How to burn a CD-ROM from an ISO disc image

Once you have downloaded the CD-ROM image and saved it to disk, you can burn it to a CD-ROM. The disc image is in ISO 9660 (International Standards Organisation) format, which is understood by all CD burning applications, even if it isn't the default.

Instructions using Linux cdrecord

  1. Insert a blank CD into the CD writer.
  2. Run the following command:
    cdrecord -v -eject jardine-1914.iso
  3. If you haven't set the defaults in /etc/cdrecord.conf you may have to specify the device and the speed on the command line.

Instructions using Easy CD Creator (Adaptec/Roxio)

  1. Insert a blank CD into the CD writer.
  2. Launch Easy CD Creator.
  3. In the File menu, select "Create CD From Disk Image".
  4. Select ISO from File Type.
  5. Browse to the location where the ISO image was saved on the hard drive.
  6. Select the ISO image file.
  7. Click on OK.
  8. Click on OK once again.

Instructions using Nero (Ahead Software)

  1. Insert a blank CD into the CD writer.
  2. Launch Nero.
  3. In the File menu, select "Burn CD image".
  4. Choose as file type: all files (*.*), since Nero expects files with the NRG suffix.
  5. Select the ISO image file.
  6. You will see a dialog box asking if you want to supply detailed image parameters. Enter the following parameters:
  7. Click on "burn". If the program complains that there are errors in the image file, click on the button "Ignore" and launch the burning.

Instructions using WinOnCD (CeQuadrat GmbH, now part of Roxio, Inc)

You need to create a Track Image project in WinOnCD for the image file. Please note that the program doesn't accept the ISO suffix for the image, and that you'll have to rename it with the raw suffix.

Instructions using CDRWin (Golden Hawk Technology)

Open the icon labeled "File Backup and Tools". In the listbox named "Backup/Tool Operation", select "Record an ISO 9660 Image File". In the box "ISO 9660 Image File", click on the button labeled "..." (Browse) and select the ISO image file. At the bottom of the dialog box, select CD-ROM and Mode 1. Then click the button labelled "START".

See Also...

Original text Copyright © 1914 Nigel K. Jardine.
HTML mark-up and links Copyright © 2003 Peter Miller
This page was last changed 09-Dec-2003.
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