Read Me

This is an electronic reproduction of Nigel K. Jardine's 1914 Dictionary of Entomology. It is not a simple facsimile edition (although a facsimile is included) but a completely electronic copy, with the text available for copy-and-paste or searching.

The Dictionary of Entomology is available in the following ways:

  1. As HTML, readable with any web browser, including Internet Explorer and Netscape. Double click on the index.html file to start using The Dictionary. Words used in The Dictionary are cross linked to definitions within The Dictionary. Most browsers allow you to copy text for pasting into other documents.
  2. As PDF, providing text you may copy-and-paste, readable using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Double click on the jardine-1914-reconstruct.pdf file to start using the facsimile. It has no cross links.
  3. As PDF, providing original page images, readable using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Double click on the jardine-1914-facsimile.pdf file to start using the facsimile. It has no cross links.

    By printing this document on a printer capable of two-sided printing you will have a faithfull (if slightly enlarged) facsimile of the original work.

The copyright on the original work has probably expired, however some aspects of the CD-Rom are copyright. Double click on the copyright.html file for more information.