Description and development of the eggs of two stick insects (Phasmatodea: Phasmatidae) from New Britain



The eggs of the New Guinea phasmatids Eurycantha calcarata Lucas and Anchiale maculata Olivier are described, and their incubation periods studied at room temperature with a diurnal range of 21 to 35°C. E. calcarata eggs hatched after an average of 101 days incubation, and A. maculata eggs after an average of 114 days. Fifty per cent of the E. calcarata eggs, and 77% of the A. maculata eggs, hatched. The fungus Aspergillus flavus infested 0 to 19% of the E. calcarata eggs in different batches, and 15% of the A. maculata eggs.

This page was last changed 20-Sep-2006.