Studies on the stick-insect genus Eurycnema Audinet-Serville (Phasmida; Phasmatidae) with particular reference to Australian species

J. Orthoptera Research 7, Dec.1998: pp. 61-70
"Papillon", 40 Thorndike Road, Slough, SL2.1SR, England


Two species of Eurycnema occurring in Australia are described and figured. Previously, various species were linked together in the literature and Australian specimens invariably listed as Eurycnema goliath (Gray 1834). Brief notes on distribution, biology, and habitat are presented, in addition to keys to adults and eggs and the first descriptions of the males of Eurycnema osiris (Gray, 1834) (Australia) and Eurycnema nigrospinosa Redtenbacher 1908 (Papua New Guinea). Eggs of all four Eurycnema species are figured for comparison and published synonyms are corrected. Lectotypes have been designated for E. goliath, E. viridissima Kirby 1904 (a synonym of E. goliath) and E. cercata Redtenbacher 1902. E. stenocerca Redtenbacher 1908 and E. cercata are listed as new synonyms of E. osiris, and E. magnifica Kirby 1904 is a new synonym of E. goliath. [KEY WORDS: Eurycnema, Australia, Phasmida, adults, eggs, lectotype, synonym.]

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