P. Hadlington
J. Ent. Soc. Aust. (N.S.W.), Vol. 2, 1965
Forestry Commission of New South Wales, 44 Margaret Street, Sydney
(Manuscript received 17th June 1965)
Plagues of Podacanthus wilkinsoni Macl. have occurred over the last 15 years in four separated areas in the highlands of New South Wales.
Variations in embryonic diapause behaviour of the most northern and most southern populations of P. wilkinsoni were observed to influence the duration of the life cycle and the incidence of parthenogenesis was greater in the more northern than in the more southern population.
When results from experimental hybridisation of specimens from both
areas were examined, it was found that the male and female parents from
the extremes of distribution had influenced the diapause behaviour in
the eggs.