In Captain Phillip P. King, Narrative of a survey of the Intertropical, and Western Coasts of Australia performed between the years 1818 and 1822. With an appendix, containing various subjects relating to hydrography and natural history. Vol. 2, appendix B, pp. 438-69, Table B. J. Murray, London. viii+637 p. [15 April 1826]
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Page 438 |
108 | Coleoptera. | 40 | Lepidoptera. |
8 | Orthoptera. | 2 | Homoptera. |
5 | Neuroptera. | 8 | Hemiptera. |
9 | Hymenoptera. | 8 | Diptera. |
Total 188 Species. |
This number is, of course, not sufficient to allow any general remarks to be founded on the collection, and the following Catalogue is, therefore, merely descriptive.
Order COLEOPTERA. | ||
1. |
Oliv. Enc. Méth. Hist. Nat.
Obs. There is a wretched figure of this insect given in the fourth volume of Cuvier's Règne Animal. | |
2. |
P. atronitidus, antennis tomentosis obscuris, basi et apice
piceis, labri margine antico palpisque rufo-piceis, thorace
lineâ mediâ longitudinali vix marginem
| |
3. |
Fab. Syst. Eleuth. p. 276. 13.
Obs. The description of this species as given by Fabricius is very vague; but as it applies tolerably well to the insect collected by Captain King, I have not thought proper to give it a new name. | |
4. | SILPHA LACRYMOSA. Schreiber, in Lin. Trans. vi. 194. t. 20. f. 5. | |
5. |
Staphylinus Erythrocepkalus. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. ii. 593. 19. | |
6. | HISTER CYANEUS. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. i. p. 88. 13. | |
7. | HISTER SPECIOSUS. Dej. Cat. p. 48. | |
8. | PASSALUS POLYPHYLLUS, (n. s.) P. ater depressiusculus, antennis sex-lamellatis, vertice tuberculis tribus, intermedio majore compresso linearum superiorem duarum elevatarum transversarum dissecante, thoracis lateribus rufo-ciliatis, elytrorum striis lateralibus punctatis. | |
9. |
ater convexiusculus antennis triphyllis, verticis cornu elevato
incurvo canaliculato apice emarginato, tuberculo utrinque acuto,
elytrorum striis subpunctatis, mandibulis concavis extùs
Obs. This insect is much less in size than the former, and is more convex. | |
10. | LAMPRIMA ÆNEA. Horæ Entom. i. p. 101. 3. | |
11. | DASYGNATHUS DEJEANII. Horæ Entom. i. p. 141. 1. | |
12. | TROX ALTERNANS, (n. s.) T. capite antice linea angulati elevatâ marginato, thorace lineis quatuor mediis elevatis, exterioribus interruptis tuberculisque utrinque duobus inæqualibus, elytris tuberculis striatim dispositis, striis alternatim majoribus. | |
13. |
Obs. This most beautiful insect ought to be considered as the type of a new genus near to Serica. | |
14. |
Kirby, in Lin. Trans. xii. p. 463.
Obs. This genus I had named Agrostiphila in my MSS., but M. Dejean has since published it under the name of Diphucephala. | |
15. |
viridis nitidissima antennis palpisque nigris, capite
anticè thoracisque lateribus subpunctatis, medio
canaliculato, elytris punctis rugosis seriatim dispositis,
corpore subtus hirsutie incano.
An Melotontha colaspidoides, Schon. App. 101.? | |
16. |
Fab. Syst. Eleuth. ii. p. 157. 112.
C. luctuosa. Lat. in Cat. Mus. Gall.
Obs. This insect is an inhabitant of the Isle of France, and was probably collected by Captain King during his stay in that island. | |
17. | CETONIA AUSTRALASIÆ. Donov. Ins. of New Holland, tab. i. | |
18. | CETONIA DORSALIS. Donov. Ins. of New Holland, tab. i. | |
19. | ANOPLOGNATHUS VIRIDIÆNEUS. Horæ. Ent. i. p. 144. 1. | |
20. | ANOPLOGNATHUS VIRIDITARSIS. Leach. Zool. Miscel. ii. 44. | |
21. | ANOPLOGNATHUS RUGOSUS. Kirby, Lin. Trans. xii. 405. | |
22. | ANOPLOGNATHUS INUSTUS. Kirby, Lin. Trans. xii. 405. | |
23. |
Melolontha ænea. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. ii. p. 166. 30. | |
24. | REPSIMUS DYTISCOIDES. Horæ. Entom. i. p. 144. 2. | |
25. |
Buprestis macularia. Don. Ins. of New Holland, tab. 8. | |
26. | DUPRESTIS IMPERIALIS. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. ii. p. 204. 98. | |
27. |
| |
28. | BUPRESTIS VARIABILIS, Don. Ins. of New Holland, tab. 7. | |
29. |
elytris striatis nigro-violaceis testaceo-quadrifasciatis
haud bidentatis, thorace punctato nigro-æneo lateribus
Obs. This species comes perhaps too near to some of the darker varieties of B. variabilis, of the true appearance of which scarcely any idea can be formed from the figures of Donovan. Our insect bears a remarkable similarity to a Surinam Buprestis, with serrated elytra. | |
30. |
Lin. Syst. Nat. ii. 662. 16.
Oliv. Ins. ii. 32, tab. 12, fig. 140.
Obs. This is an East Indian Insect; and, as Captain King collected a few species in the Isle of France, this is probably one of them. | |
31. | BUPRESTIS FISSICEPS. Kirby, in Lin. Trans. xii. p. 458, tab. 23, fig. 4. | |
32. | BUPRESTIS LAPIDOSA, (n. s.) B. cuprea scabrosa thorace lineis duabus parallelis longitudinalibus elevatis, elytris integris subacuminatis substriatis inter tuberculos punctatis, corpore subtus æneo. | |
33. |
ater antennis apicem versus dilatatis serratis, thorace punctato
canaliculato, elytris punctatis striatis pubescentibus basi late
auratis dimidiatis.
Obs. This insect is about four lines long, and entirely black, except the upper half of the elytra. | |
34. |
luteus capite antennisque atris, thorace convexo maculâ
longitudinali subacuminatâ margine antico ultra medium
attingente, elytris punctato-striatis apice late nigris,
anoque nigro.
Obs. This insect is about the same length with the former,
| |
35. | LYCUS SERRATICORNIS. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. vol. ii. 111. 6. | |
36. | LYCUS SEPTEMCAVUS, (n. s.) L. ater thorace parabolico fossulis septem, quatuor anticis fere æqualibus, posticarum mediâ angustâ lanciformi, duabus lateralibus latis anticè emarginatis; Scutello quadrato nigro; elytris rubris marginatis lineis quatuor elevatis, interstitiis duplici eerie punctorum transversorum crenatis. | |
37. | LYCUS RHIPIDIUM, (n. s.) L. ater antennis flabellatis; thorace angulis porrectis obtusis, fossulis septem, posticarum trium mediâ longitudinali lanciformi; scutello quadrato nigro; elytris rubris marginatis lineis novem elevatis, quatuor alternatim majoribus, interstitiis crenatis. | |
38. | TELEPHORUS PULCHELLUS, (n. s.) T. capite thoraceque nigro-nitidis, hujus margine postico late rufo, elytris viridicæruleis tomentosis punctatis ad suturam marginatis, corpore pedibusque nigris abdomine subtus rufo. | |
39. | MALACHIUS VERTICALIS, (n. s.) M. rufo-testaceus vertice antennisque apice nigro-nitidis, thorace testaceo, elytris fasciâ humerali mediâque violaceis, postpectore pedibus anoque nigris. | |
40. | CLERUS CRUCIATUS, (n. s.) C. testacea tomentosa, capite thoracis lateribus elytrorumque maculis duabus longitudinalibus, quarum posticâ latiori, nigris, elytris striato-punctatis apice rufescentibus, antennis piceis, pedibus palpisque pallidis. | |
41. |
Oliv. Ins. 50, tab. i. fig. 2.
Dryops livida. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. ii. 68. 3. | |
42. |
Oliv. Ins. 50, tab. i. fig. 4.
Dryops lineata. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. ii. 68. 4. Obs. I suspect this insect to be merely a variety of the former species. | |
43. |
| |
44. | LAGRIA TOMENTOSA. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. vol. ii. p. 70. 9. | |
45. | LAGRIA RUFESCENS. Dej. Cat. 72. | |
46. | CISTELA SECURIGERA, (n. s.) C. subtùs picea suprâ brunnea pubescens, antennis apice palporumque articulo ultimo securiformi nigris, elytris punctis crenatis striatis. | |
47. |
Cnodulon triste. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. ii. p. 13. 4. Obs. The characters of this genus are given by Fabricius under the head of Cnodulon, but the true Cnodulon of M. Latreille is a native of St. Domingo, and a different genus of which the characters are to be found in the Genera Crustaceorum et Insectorum. The genus has, however, been of late more accurately investigated by Dalman, in his Analecta Entomologica, and he has given it the name of Amarygmus. | |
48. | AMARYGMUS VIRIDICOLLIS, (n. s.) A. convexiusculus capite thoraceque viridi-cæruleis, elytris cupreis striato-punctatis, corpore subtus chalybeo pedibusque nigris. | |
49. |
atro-nitidus glaberrimus labri margine rubro, elytris
nigro-æneis punctorum striis minutissimis.
Obs. This beautiful insect is one of the largest of a genus which contains a great number of species. | |
50. | ADELIUM CALOSOMOIDES. Kirby, in Lin. Trans. xii. p. 420. 57. tab. 22. fig. 2. | |
51. | ADELIUM CARABOIDES. Kirby, in Lin. Trans. xii. p. 466. 17. | |
52. |
Obs. The characters of this most singular genus Phalidura are chiefly to be found in the broken clavate antennæ, short thick rostrum, connate elytra, and singular anal forceps of the male. | |
53. | PHALIDURA KIRBII, (n. s.) P. nigro-fusca clypeo subfurcato utrinque canaliculato, thorace confertim noduloso, elytris lineis elevatis interstitiis crenatis lateribusque punctato-striatis. | |
54. |
atrofusca vertice concavo cruce impresso, clypeo emarginato,
thorace depresso utrinque dilatato dentato margine antico
tuberculato tuberculorumque lineis quatuor duabus mediis
longitudinalibus, elytris punctis elevatis scabrosis utrinque
dentibus acutis seriatim armatis, lateribus seriatim nodulosis
medioque lineâ tuberculorum subduplici instructo.
Obs. This and the following species are not true Phaliduræ; at least neither appears to have the anal forceps, but as they come close in affinity to the genus Phalidura, I have not for the present ventured to give them a new generic name. | |
55. |
Kirby, in Lin. Trans. xii. 436. 77.
Obs. This insect appears to be a Chrysolopus in M. Dejean's Catalogue. | |
56. |
atra capite lævi vel punctis minutissimis impresso, clypeo
canaliculato, thorace irregulariter noduloso, elytris suturâ
læviori punctis que elevatis striatis striis duabus à
suturâ alternatim majoribus.
Obs. I regret that I am not able to give the detailed characters of this genus at present. I shall merely, therefore, say that it has the broken clavate antennæ of Phalidura, only they are here longer than the head and thorax taken together. The body is very convex, having the thorax as wide as the abdomen, subquadrate, with very coftvex sides. Abdomen joined to thorax by a distinct
| |
57. |
Curculio spectabilis. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. ii. 537. 184. | |
58. |
atrofuscus vertice trilineato, thorace punctis scabro medio
concavo subcarinato lineis utrinque elevatis, elytris crenatis
seriebus spinarum duabus interiori anum versus abbreviatâ;
spinis anticis depressis obtusis, posticis acutis.
C. echidna. Dej. Cat. 88. | |
59. | CHRYSOLOPUS TUBERCULATUS, (n. s.) C. fuscus vertice lineato, thorace punctis scabro medio canaliculato, elytris punctis seriatim impressis, tuberculorumque seriebus tribus minutis interiori abbreviatâ; tuberculo postico suturali maximo. | |
60. |
Curculio 4-dens. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. ii. 536. 175. Obs. The three last species can scarcely be considered to belong to the same genus with C. spectabilis; but I follow M. Dejean until the whole family be more accurately investigated. | |
61. |
Curculio crenulatus. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. ii. 518. 64. | |
20. | GASTRODUS ALBOLINBATUS, (n. s.) G. niger thorace scabriusculo rugis transversis duabus lineâque laterali albâ, elytris nigris striato-punctatis suturâ striâque mediâ elevatis lævibus lineâ laterali albâ haud apicem attingente, apice rufescente albo-punctato. | |
62. |
niger capite lineâ transversâ constricto; vertice
lineis quatuor elevatis clypeoque tribus, antennis piceis
clavâ obscurâ, thorace punctis elevatis scabro:
elytris punctis impressis striatis, punctis conspicuis
argenteosquamigeris pedibus rufis geniculis obscuris.
| |
64. | CENCHROMA LANUGINOSA. Dej. Cat. p. 95. | |
65. | CENCHROMA OBSCURA, (n. s.) C. nigra squamis cinereis aspersa clypeo lineis duabus mediis approximatis elevatis lateribus albis, thorace canaliculato, elytris punctis impressis striatis squamisque cinereis subaureis præsertim ad latera aspersis, corpore subtus ad latera pedibusque albo-squamosis. | |
66. |
Fab. Syst. Eleuth. ii. 536. 173.
Oliv. Ins. 83. fig. 157.
Obs. This is a new genus of the Curculionidæ, but as I am not able in this place to give the characters of it, I prefer to cite the insect under its Fabrician title. | |
67. |
Fab. Syst. Eleuth. ii. 468. 125.
Oliv. Ins. 83, fig. 128.
Obs. This insect is altogether as different from the true Rhynchæni, as the preceding one is from the true Curculiones. | |
68. |
Fab. Syst. Eleuth. ii. 457. 96.
Oliv. Ins. 83. fig. 113.
Obs. This is also not a true Rhynchænus, but is a very singular insect in appearance, as the acute spine, which rises from each elytron, appears to be its peculiar defence against entomological collectors. | |
69. | EURHINUS SCABRIOR. Kirby, in Lin. Trans. xii. p. 428. 65. | |
70. | RHINOTIA HÆMOPTERA. Kirby, in Lin. Trans. xii. p. 426. | |
71. | ORTHORHYNCHUS SUTURALIS, (n. s.) O. nigro-fuscus punetis impressus vertice ad oculos albo-bilineato, thorace fossulâ postica mediâ albâ, elytris ad suturam lineâ pilis albà, corpore subtus lateribus albis. | |
72. |
Tab. B. fig. 1. Obs. This curious insect is said to be found on the Banksia, and would probably, with Linnæus, have been a Bruchus. The following are the characters of this new genus. | |
CARPOPHAGUS, (novum genus.)
Antennæ ante oculos insertæ filiformes articulo basilari crassiori, secundo subgloboso brevissimo, ultimo apice conico acuto, Labrum semicirculare margine antico integro rotundato ciliato. Mandibulæ validæ corneæ arcuatæ, intus apicem versus subsinuatæ edentulæ basin versus ciliatæ vel submembranaceæ. Maxillæ basi corneæ processubus duobus membranaceis apicem versus instructæ, lobo externo vel apicali ovali extus ciliato; interno tenuiori lanciformi apice acuto. Palpi maxillares breves crassi vix ultra maxillarum apicem extensi, quadriarticulati articulo stipitali vix conspicuo secundo obconico tertio subgloboso breviori ultimo ovali obtuso. Palpi labiales triarticulati articulo stipitali minimo, secundo obconico longiore, ultimo crassiori ovato, apice truncato. Labium obcordatum basi corneum angustius apice membranaceum medio emarginatum ciliatum lobo utrinque rotundato. Mentum semicirculare anticè rotundatum medio emarginato sive edentulo. Caput porrectum oculis prominulis thorace angustius clypeo quadrato vertice inter oculos fossulis duabus anticé convergentibus. Thorax haud marginatus lateribus haud rotundatis suhcylindricus anticè angustius, posticè sublobatus. Scutellum tuberculare mucronatum. Abdomen thorace duplo latius. Elytra convexa humeris eminentibus postice divergentia rotundata. Pedes pentameri articulis tribus tarsorum primis ciliatis pulvillatis dilatatis, tertio bilobo, quarto brevissimo et quinto tenuibus obconicis, hoc biunguiculato. Femora postica valde incrassata intus unidentata; dente magno. Tibiæ posticæ compresæ apice dilatatæ. | ||
73. |
Tab. B. fig. 2. Obs. This singular insect has an affinity to Sagra, but differs from that genus in having setiform antennæ, porrect mandibles, and securiform palpi. Its habit is also totally different from that of a Sagra, and more like that of some of those insects which belong to the heterogeneous magazine called Prionus. It is, undoubtedly, the most singular and novel form in Captain King's collection, and forms a new genus, of which the characters are as follow. | |
MEGAMERUS, (novum genus.)
Antennæ inter oculos insertæ filiformes vel potius setaceæ articulo basilari crassiori secundo subgloboso brevissimo apicali acuto. Labrum transverso-quadratum anticè submembranaceum tomentosum subemarginatum. Mandibulæ exertæ porrectæ supra convexiusculæ lunulatæ vel falciformes dorso subsiauatæ apice vel extus oblique truncatæ acutissimæ. Maxillæ basi corneæ processubus duobus submembranaceis apicem versus instructæ, lobo externo vel apicali ovali extus ciliato, interno tenuiori apice subacuto margineque interno vix unidentato. Palpi maxillares quadriarticulati, articulo stipitali minimo inconspicuo, secundo obconico longo duobus ultimis simul sumptis longitudine fere æquali, tertio obconico crassiori, ultimo securiformi compresso. Palpi labiales triarticulati articulo stipitali minimo inconspicuo, secundo longo obconico setis quibusdam ad apicem instructo, tertio triangulari compresso vel securiformi. Labium membranaceum cordatum anticé bilobum, lobis elongatis ciliatis interno latere rectilineari extus ad apicem rotundatis. Mentum semicirculare antice rotundatum margine antico emarginato.
Obs. The structure of the tarsus in this genus, so near in affinity to Carpophagus and Sagra, has led me to investigate more minutely the tarsus in the tetramerous and trimerous insects of the French entomologists, and the result has been that the arrangement given in the third volume of M. Cuvier's Règne Animal, is discovered to be as erroneous in point of description, as it is inconsistent with natural affinities. | ||
74. | PRIONUS BIDENTATUS. Don. Ins. of New Holland, tab. 6. | |
75. | PRIONUS FASCIATUS. Don. Ins. of New Holland, tab. 6. | |
76. | PRIONUS SPINICOLLIS, (n. s.) P. piceus antennis filiformibus basi nigris articulo ultimo vix crassiore, capite fusco tomentoso, thorace nigro-fusco punctis scabroso, lateribus spinulosis, in medio postice carinâ lævi tuberculoque utrinque magno compresso scabro; scutello piceo nigro-marginato, elytris testaceis punctulatis substriatis apice unidentatis, pectoris lateribus rufotomentosis. | |
77. | DISTICHOCERA MACULICOLLIS. Kirby, in Lin. Trans. xii. | |
78. |
rufo-testacea subtomentosa, capitis lateribus oreque nigris,
vertice canaliculato, antennis nigris articulis vix biramosis
ramis sinistris brevissimis, thorace atro vittâ utrinque
rufotestaceâ, scutello nigro, elytris rufo-testaceis
tomentosis apice obtusis dehiscentibus, corpore cuneiformi
subtus villo argenteo micante, abdomine utrinque nigro maculato,
pedibus nigris.
Obs. This insect may be considered a Molorchus with elytra as
| |
79. |
Don. Ins. of New Holland, tab. 5.
Obs. This insect leaves the typical form of Clytus, so much as to make me hesitate in placing it in the genus. | |
80. |
Fab. Syst. Eleuth. ii. 333. 2.
Obs. This insect answers perfectly well to the specific description as given by Fabricius, but is rather larger than the European insect, and has eight obsolete white spots disposed in two parallel bands on the back of the elytra. | |
81. |
nigrum capite punctato, ore testaceo, antennis apice fuscis,
thorace tomentoso punctato vel potius punctis confluentibus
eroso disco rufo medio subtuberculato, elytris acuminatis
apice deflexis lineis duabus elevatis interstitiis punctis
confertissimis pulcherrimé erosis suturâ margineque
rufis, corpore subtus pedibusque tomentosis.
Var. β. Major, capite rufo antennis fuscis, elytris rulls liturâ inter lineas duas elevatas solum nigricante, pedibus nigropiceis. | |
82. |
Lamia Solandri. Oliv. Ins. 67. 133. Pl. 16. fig. 118. Fab. Ent. Syst. 2. 292. 97. Obs. I place Olivier's Synonym in this case first; because the Fabrician description is so erroneous, that did we not know the original insect in the Banksian Collection, there would be no possibility of making it out. | |
83. |
Fab. Syst. Eleuth. ii. 306. 8.
Obs. This and the three following species belong to the Stenochori Callidiiformes of Schönnher. | |
84. |
fusco-ferrugineus capite punctato, antennis rubris articulo
tertio quarto quinto et sexto apice spinosis, ore rubro, maxillis
elongatis apice ciliatis
| |
85. | STENOCHORUS DORSALIS, (n. s.) S. fulvo-piceus capite angusto, labro palpisque testaceis, vertice canaliculato, thorace inæqualiter rugoso eminentiâ mediâ ovali glabrâ tribusque aliis utrinque inconspicuis, elytris bidentatis lineis subelevatis interstitiisque punctatis maculâ mediâ suturali testaceâ anticè subemarginatâ, antennis subtus villosis articulis apice haud spinosis, corpore pedibusque piceis femoribus incrassatis. | |
86. | STENOCHORUS TUNICATUS, (n. s.) S. flavus antennarum articulis duobus primis nigris quinto apice septimo nonoque nigris, thorace subcylindrico utrinque unidentato supra quadrituberculato tuberculis anticis majoribus, elytris apicè flavis unidentatis, parte basali ultra medium subviolaceo-flavâ lineâ obliquâ terminatâ, corpore pedibusque flavo-testaceis. | |
87. |
Dej. Cat. 112.
Cerambyx abbreviatus. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. Leptura ceramboides. Kirby, in Lin. Trans. vol. xii. p. 472. Obs. This is certainly Mr. Kirby's Leptura ceramboides, and perfectly agrees with the Fabrician description of the Cerambyx abbreviatus, except that no mention is there made of its mouth being yellow. Mr. Kirby says of this insect, “a habitu Lepturæ omnino recedit Cerambycibus propior,” and certainly were it allowable to judge entirely from habit, it would seem to connect those American Saperdæ of Fabricius and Olivier which have bearded antennæ, such as (S. plumigera, Oliv., barbicornis, Fab.) with some other family, perhaps the Œdemeridæ. But, however this may be, the genus Stenoderus differs from the Cerambycidæ, and agrees with the Lepturidæ, inasmuch as it has the antennæ inserted between the eyes. | |
88. |
| |
89. |
Schön. in App. Syn. Ins. p. 169, 234.
L. vermicularia. Don. Ins. Fab. 5. | |
90. | LAMIA RUGICOLLIS. Schön. in App. Syn. Ins. p. 169. 234. | |
91. | LAMIA BIDENS. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. ii. 304. 124. | |
92. | ACANTHOCINUS PILIGER, (n. s.) A. antennis obscuris pilosis apicem versus cinereo-annulatis, capite cinereo vertice nigro bilineato, thorace obscuro cinereo inæquali posticè subcanaliculato medio utrinque tuberculato, elytris obscuris fasciculis minutis nigris flavis cinereisque variegatis, fasciâ mediâ cinereâ undatâ cristâque tuberculatâ humeros versus. | |
93. | NOTOCLEA IMMACULATA. Marsham, in Lin. Trans. ix. 291, tab. 25. fig. 4. | |
94. | NOTOCLEA VARIOLOSA. Marsham, in Lin. Trans. ix. 285, tab. 24. fig. 1. | |
95. | NOTOCLEA RETICULATA. Marsham, in Lin. Trans. ix. 285, tab. 24. fig. 2. | |
96. |
Marsham, in Lin. Trans. ix. 287, tab. 24. fig. 6.
Obs. I suspect that this insect is merely a variety of N. reticulata. | |
97. | NOTOCLEA ATOMARIA. Marsham, in Lin. Trans.ix. 286, tab. 24. fig. 3. | |
98. | NOTOCLEA SPLENDENS, (n. s.) N. splendidissimè cuprea antennis piceis, scutello nigro, thorace posticè elytrorum suturâ maculisque duabus dorsalibus cæruleo-viridibus, elytris novem striis punctorum subtilissimè impressis. | |
99. |
| |
100. | NOTOCLEA 8-MACULATA. Marsham, in Lin. Trans. ix. 294, tab. 25. fig. 10. | |
101. |
rufa thorace punctis quatuor utrinque inter latus et fossulas
anticas duas divergentes in lineam transversam dispositis,
scutello piceo, elytris testaceis nigro-variis striatis striis
punctatis, corpore subtus pedibusque rufis, femoribus posticis
valde incrassatis.
Obs. This insect bears a great affinity to Chrysomela 14-punctata, Fab., and other Asiatic insects of this type, which have been separated from Chrysomela by Dalman in his Ephemerides Entomologicæ, under the name of Podontia. | |
102. |
Dalman, Ephem. Entom. 21.
Chrysomela cyanicornis. Fab. Syst. Eleuth. i. p. 436. 85. | |
103. |
rufo-testacea antennis scutello pedibusque atro-cyaneis, capite
puncto verticali, thorace maculâ posticali, elytris
punctato-striatis maculis duabus anticis cruceque apicali
atro-cyaneis, abdomine subtus atrocyaneo limbo info.
Obs. This species comes very near to the Chrysomela cyanipes of Fabricius, and is probably only a variety of it. | |
104. |
Fab. Syst. Eleuth. i. 439. 101.
Don. Ins. of New Holland, tab. 2. | |
105. | CHRYSOMELA CURTISII. Kirby, in Lin. Trans. vol. xii. | |
106. |
Fab. Syst. Eleuth. ii. 51. 55.
Var. β. Thoracis macula media nigra. | |
107. |
Fab. Syst. Eleuth. i. 396. 44.
Oliv. Ins. 97. tab. i. fig. 17. | |
108. |
| |
Order ORTHOPTERA. | ||
109. |
elongato-ovata, ferrugineofusca thorace suborbiculato-quadrato,
marginibus laterali et posticali lunulisque utrinque duabus
paulisper impressis, fascià ante marginem posticum nigrum
latâ albâ transversâ, et lineolis duabus
longitudinalibus mediis rufis carinulam formantibus in furcam
flavam ad marginem anticum desinentibus.
Obs. The elytra of the male are much longer than the abdomen. | |
110. | MANTIS QUINQUEDENS, (n. s.) M. dilute-viridis thorace haud triplo longiore quam latiore, dorso parte anticâ canaliculatâ excepta longitrorsum carinato, marginibus lateralibus denticulatis, elytris thorace duplo longioribus elongato-ovatis dilutè viridibus margine externo maculâque mediâ elevatâ flavescentibus; alis hyalinis dilutè ferrugineis margine antico spicèque subfuscis; pedibus anticis coxis denticulatis margine interno piceo lineis quatuor albis elevatis transversis in dentes desinentibus. | |
111. |
dilute viridis thorace quadruplo longiore quam latiore, dorso
parte anticâ canaliculatâ exceptâ longitrorsum
carinato, marginibus lateralibus posticè haud denticulatis,
elytris thorace haud duplo longioribus linearibus acuminatis
anticè viridibus margine flavescente posticè
subhyalinis subfuscis, nervo costam versus crassiore, alis apice
acuminatis margine antico dilutè rufescente, medio nigro
punctis hyalinis et parte posticâ fuscâ obscurâ
vix maculatâ.
Mantis Darchii. Captain P. P. King, MSS. Obs. This insect has been named by Captain King, after his friend Thomas Darch, Esq., of the Admiralty. | |
112. |
PHASMA TITAN, (n. s.) P.
corpore decem unciarum longo,
Obs. This immense insect, which is nearly a foot long, is now for the first time described, although it seems to be not uncommon in New South Wales. Although much larger, it comes very near to the P. Gigas of Linnæus and Stoll, and like it, belongs to Lichtenstein's division, thus characterized, “Alata elytris alisque in utroque sexu.” | |
113. |
corpore fere quinque unciarum longo cuneiformi viridi, capite
tiarâ acuminatâ spinulosâ coronato, thorace
antice angusto subdepresso spinuloso postice dilatato convexiori
marginibus lateralibus denticulatis, abdomine antice cylindrico
medio valde dilatato margine dentato et in processum segmentorum
trium linearem desinente segmentis supra binis laminis dentatis
in medio armatis, elytris viridibus subovatis minutis alarum
rudimentis brevioribus; pedibus viridibus coxis triquetris,
anticis angulo interiori tridentato, superiori denticulato
processu ad apicem cristato, inferiori dilatato rotundato, quatuor
posticis dilatatis ovatis margine denticulatis, femoribus anticis
extus dilatatis rotundatis apicem versus subemarginatis, quatuor
posticis triquetris angulis dentatis exteriori valde dilatato.
Tab. B. fig. 3 et 4. Obs. I have been thus particular in the description of this rare insect, in order to afford as much information as possible to the naturalist, who may be inclined to investigate the natural arrangement of the Phasmina. | |
114. |
viridis thorace supra plano lateribus perpendicularibus angulis
flavescentibus, elytris alis
Obs. This insect differs from the L. unicolor of Stoll, a Javanese insect, inasmuch as its thorax is not dentated, and is marked at the angles with yellow. | |
115. | GRYLLUS PICTUS. Leach, Zool. Misc. i. tab. 25. | |
116. | GRYLLUS REGULUS, (n. s.) G. ferrugineo-fuscus antennis filiformibus nigris, elytris obscurè nebulosis, alis fusco-hyalinis, thoracis lateribus posticè testaceis, corpore subtus rufo-testaceo, tibiis posticis testaceis spinis dorsalibus rufis apicibus nigris. | |
Order NEUROPTERA. | ||
117. | LIBELLULA SANGUINEA, (n. s.) L. tota sanguinea ails hyalinis stigmate fulvo nervisque sanguineis, posticis basi flavescentibus. | |
118. | LIBELLULA OCULATA. Fab. Ent. Syst. ii. 376. 9. | |
119. | LIBELLULA STIGMATIZANS. Fab. Ent. Syst. ii. 375. 8. | |
120. | LESTES BELLADONNA, (n. s.) L. supra viridis subtus albescens pedibus nigris, alis quatuor cultratis maculâ ad marginem apicalem albâ. | |
121. | AGRION KINGII, (n. s.) A. capite nigro, fronte corporeque subtus albidis, thorace abdomineque supra fuscis, segmentis abdominalibus nigro alboque annulatis, alis hyalinis stigmate fusco. | |
122. |
Fab. Syst. Piez. 130. 1.
Obs. This seems, according to Fabricius, to be merely a variety of the common European insect. | |
123. | LIRIS ANGULATA. Fab. Syst. Piez. 230. 9. | |
124. | POMPILUS MORIO. Fab. Syst. Piez. 187. 1. | |
125. |
| |
126. | ALYSON TOMENTOSUM, (n. s.) A. nigro-pubescens abdominis segmentis apice argenteis, alis apice nigricantibus. | |
127. |
Leach, MSS.
Thynnus dentatus. Fab. Syst. Piez. 231. 1. | |
128. | EUMENES CAMPANIFORMIS. Fab. Syst. Piez. 287. 10. | |
129. | EUMENES APICALIS, (n. s.) E. flava thoracis spatio inter alas segmentique abdominalis secundi parte basali nigris, alis flavis apice fuscis. | |
130. | CENTRIS BOMBYLANS. Fab. Syst. Piez. 358. 19. | |
131. |
Linu. Syst. Nat. ii. p. 754. 49.
Godart. Enc. Méth. Hist. Nat. ix. 45. 61. Obs. Captain King found an insect on the north coast of New Holland, which, I think, can only be deemed a variety of P. Eurypilus, a species hitherto recorded as inhabiting Java and Amboyna. This variety is distinguished from the Euripilus of Godart by several minute differences. | |
132. | PAPILIO MACLEAYANUS. Godart, Enc. Méth. Hist. Nat. ix. 47. 65. | |
133. |
alis nigris fliavo-maculatis posticis dentatis fasciâ
maculâque adjectâ flavis, ocello anali rufo
lunulæ cæruleæ submisso.
Obs. This species is in New Holland what Demoleus is in Africa, and Epius in India. It is even difficult to determine whether the three may not be varieties of one species. If varieties, however, they are certainly permanent according to the above localities, and this species may be easily distinguished from Epius, which it most resembles, by the large yellow spot near the middle of the superior margin of the upper wing. This spot is divided
| |
134. |
alis nigro-fuscis, anticis griseomaculatis, inferis dentatis
fasciâ albâ extus dentatâ lunulâ
mediâ nigrâ limbique nigri lunulis quinque
cæruleis ocellis tot rufis submissis.
Obs. This fine species is of the middle size, and seems to have a relation both with P. Epius and P. Machaon. The vertex is orange-coloured, with a black line in the middle. The two upper wings are slightly dentated, the lower dentations being marked with white spots. There are three grey spots in the middle of the superior margin of the wing, of which the largest is the one nearest to the body; on the outside of these are two parallel rows of grey spots, the first range consisting of about nine oblong spots unequal in size, and the outer range of eight smaller, whitish, and round spots. The white band of the lower wings, which are not tailed, has a black crescent-like spot in the middle; and on the outside, two parallel rows of five spots, the one blue and the other red. The emarginations of these wings are fringed with white. The under side of this insect is like the upper, except that the colours are more pronounced, and that there are two round white spots on the outside of the white band of the lower wings. | |
135. | PAPILIO CRESSIDA. Godart, Enc. Méth. Hist. Nat. ix. 76. 145. | |
136. |
Don. Ins. of New Holland.
P. Harmonoides. Godart, Enc. Méth. Hist. Nat. ix. 76. 146. | |
137. |
alis integerrimis niveis anticis apice punctoque nigris, posticis
cinereo-submarginatis subtus flavo-irroratis.
P. Crokera. Captain P. P. King, MSS. Obs. This insect is of Godart's fifth size, and comes very near to his Pieris Nina. The wings are of a fine white colour, particularly the upper. These have their summit black, and a minute
The species has been named by Captain King, after John Wilson Croker, Esq., M.P., and first secretary to the Admiralty. | |
138. |
alis albis limbo late nigro; anticis maculâ mediâ
nigrâ limboque albo-trimaculato; posticis subtus
nigro-venosis limbi maculis luteo-notatis.
Obs. This insect comes very near to the P. Teutonia of Godart and Donovan, particularly in its under side. It is, however, smaller than that insect. The upper wings are white, with a posterior broad black subtriangular border, having two or three white spots at the apex. These wings have a black spot near their middle, which is also on the under side, but there communicates by a transverse, short, and rather curved, black band, with a black superior edging of the wing. In other respects the under side of the superior wings is like the upper, except perhaps that it is yellowish at the base. The lower wings have their upper side white, with a broad black border. Their under side is strongly veined with black, having the base and the middle of the outer row of white spots in the posterior margin of the wing yellowish. | |
139. |
alis integerrimis albis limbo exteriori utrinque nigro: anticis
elongato-trigonis maculis apicalibus quatuor albis.
Obs. This species comes very near to P. Lyncida of Godart. Its wings are white above. The upper ones have their costa blackish, and a triangular border at their extremity rather dentated on the inside. On this black border is a transverse row of four or five white spots, unequal in size. The lower wings have also a black herder with one white spot, and which is simply crenated on the inside. The under side of the four wings scarcely differs from
| |
140. |
Fab. Syst. Ent. iii. 473. 123.
P. Endora. Don. Ins. of New Holland. P. Nysa. Godart, Enc. Méth. Hist. Nat. ix. 152. 118. P. Endora. Godart, Enc. Méth. Hist. Nat. ix. 152. 117? Obs. On an inspection of the original Pieris Nysa of Fab., in the Banksian cabinet, I find it to be the same with the P. Endora of Donovan, the only difference being that the under wings are less cinereous on the upper side, and the upper wings have more white at the extremity of the yellow spots at the base of their under sides. These minute differences appear to be sexual. At all events this is undoubtedly the P. Endora of Donovan, in his Insects of New Holland. M. Godart, however, most erroneously quotes another work of Donovan, namely, The Insects of India, and gives an erroneous description, apparently from confounding some Indian insect with the insect described by Donovan. Godart has also erroneously altered the Fabrician description of P. Nysa, and thus added to the multitude of proofs which his laborious work affords, that the continental entomologists have no means of undertaking a complete description of species, without visiting the extensive collections of London. | |
141. | PIERIS NIGRINA. Godart, Enc. Méth. Hist. Nat. ix. 149. 108. | |
142. | PIERIS AGANIPPE. Godart, Enc. Méth. H. Nat. ix. 153. 121. | |
143. |
Don. Ins. of New Holland.
P. Smilax.
Godart, Enc. Méth. Hist. Nat. ix. 136. 56.
Obs. As Godart here again cites Donovan's work on the Insects of India, instead of his Insects of New Holland, I am inclined to think that he never saw those works. | |
144. |
PIERIS HERLA, (n. s.) P.
alis rotundatis integerrimis flavis, anticis apice fuscis,
posticis margine nigro-sublineatis subtus testaceis atomis
griseis aspersis.
| |
145. |
Godart, Enc. Méth. H.N. ix. 187. 38.
Obs. Captain King has brought a variety of this insect from New Holland, which only differs from the European specimen figured by Hubner, in the row of white points round the edge of the upper side of the lower wings being evanescent. This species is one of those which have a great range of distribution, being found in Naples, Egypt, Syria, India, Java, and New Holland. | |
146. | EUPLÆA AFFINIS. Godart. Enc. Méth. H. Nat. ix. 182. 21. | |
147. |
abdomine supra nigro subtus fusco alis repandis supra
atris; omnibus utrinque ad ex timum punctis ad basin maculis
subbifidis virescenti-albis: subtus anticarum apice
posticarumque paginâ omni, olivaceo-fuscescentibus.
Obs. This insect comes so very near to the Euplæa Limniace, of Godart and Cramer, which is common on the Coromandel Coast as well as in Java and Ceylon, that I can scarcely consider it as any thing but a variety of that species. It differs, however, in being constantly of a smaller size, in its abdomen being black, and in the exterior row of white spots on the under wings not extending much more than half way round the margin of these wings. Captain King found this insect in surprising numbers on various parts of the North-east Coast, particularly at Cape Cleveland. See vol. i. p. 195. | |
148. |
Fab. Ent. Syst. iii. p. 4. 122.
Obs. I reserve the generic name of Danais for such of M. Latreille's genus as have no pouches to the lower wings of their
| |
149. |
alis integris fuscis velutinis cæruleo-micantibus, omnibus
suprâ fasciâ maculari intra punctorum seriem
marginalem abbreviatam albâ; anticis puncto albo costali.
Danais Darchia. Captain P. P. King MSS. Obs. This is exactly the size of D. Eleusine, to which it appears to come very near. The upper side of the four wings is brownish-black, having towards the margin an arched band of violet-coloured white spots, of which the greatest is at the extremity of the wing. There is also on the superior margin, about the middle of the upper wing, a white point, and at its inferior angle a marginal series of a few white points. The upper side of the lower wings has an abbreviated series of marginal points on the outside of an arched series of violet-coloured whitish lunulæ. The under side answers well to the description given by Godart of the under side of his Danais Eunice, except that D. Darchia has only one white point in the middle of the upper wing. This species has been named by Captain King after his friend Thomas Darch, Esq., of the Admiralty. | |
150. |
alis integris fuscis velutinis cæruleo-micantibus,
anticis punctis quatuor costalibus, maculis duabus angularibus
et punctorum eerie marginali albis, punctis extimum versus
majoribus; alis posticis punctorum eerie marginali et macularum
longitudinalium fasciâ discoidali albis.
Obs. This species comes between the Danais Cora of Godart and his D. Coreta. The under side differs in having the marginal series of white points continued to the very tip of the upper wings, while they have three other points in the disc. There are also eight or nine similar white points between the base of the lower wings and the band of longitudinal spots. | |
151. | NYMPHALIS LASSINASSA. Godart. Enc. Méth. ix. 395. 155. | |
152. | VANESSA ITEA. Godart. Enc. Méth. ix. 321. 57. | |
153. |
| |
154. | SATYRUS BANKSIA. Godart. Enc. Méth. ix. 477. 3. | |
155. | SATYRUS ABEONA. Godart. Enc. Méth. ix. 497. 72. | |
156. | SATYRUS MEROPE. Godart. Enc. Méth. ix. 500. 80. | |
157. | SATYRUS ARCHEMOR. Godart. Enc. Méth. ix. 500. 81. | |
158. | ARGYNNIS NIPHE. Godart. Enc. Méth. ix. 261. 17. | |
159. | ARGYNNIS TEPHNIA. Godart. Enc. Méth. ix. 262. 18. | |
160. |
Fab. Ent. Syst. iii. 182.564.
A. Entoria. Godart. Enc. Méth. ix. Obs. The original insect of Fabricius is in the Banksian cabinet, and affords further cause of regret, that the article “Papillon,” of the Encyclopédie Méthodique, should have been undertaken by a person who had not studied the classical collections that exist out of Paris. M. Godart describes this insect as a new species, under the name of Entoria, and makes it an inhabitant of the West Coast of Africa. | |
161. |
Godart. Enc. Méth. ix. 248. 13.
Obs. This species has hitherto been described only as a native of Java, but Captain King found several specimens of a variety of it on the North Coast of New Holland. | |
162. |
atra alis integerrimis; anticis fasciâ maculari
abbreviatâ sulphureâ atomisque apicem versus
subviridibus aspersis, posticis rotundatis fasciâ
basali ovali sulphureâ abbreviatâ caudatâ
corporis fasciâ mediâ sulphureâ ano palpisque
vividé rufis.
Obs. This beautiful species I have named after Sir Stamford Raffles, to whose scientific ardour and indefatigable exertions in Java and Sumatra, every Naturalist must feel himself indebted. The under sides of the wings are spotted like the upper, the only difference being, that round the whole disc of the four wings
| |
163. |
Godart. Enc. Méth. ix. 710. 4.
Var. alis atro-viridibus, anticis fasciis duabus posticis cupreoviridibus, unicâ latâ. Obs. This beautiful variety of an insect hitherto described as peculiar to Java and Amboyna was found in immense numbers, flitting among a grove of Pandanus trees, growing on the banks of a stream near the extremity of Cape Grafton, upon the Northeast Coast of New Holland. See vol. ii. p. 14. | |
164. |
Don. Ins. of New Holland.
Agarista picta. Leach, Zool. Misc. vol. i. tab. 15 Agarista picta. Godart. Enc. Méth. ix. 803. 2. Obs. As Donovan described and figured this insect many years before Dr. Leach, his name has the right of priority. | |
165. |
alis integris; superis griseoflavescentibus atomis brunneis
aspersis, punctis duobus nigris basalibus et fasciis quatuor
obscuris subapicalibus, inferis griseo-nigrescentibus
apicem versus subflavescentibus.
Dielophila Latreillii. De Cerisy MSS. Obs. The under side of the four wings is very pale, of a yellowish-gray colour, traversed by a line of blackish points, which indeed are dispersed very generally over the whole surface. The disk of the upper wings is rather blacker than the rest. The head and thorax are of the colour of the wings, their sides and the conical abdomen being rather lighter. The antennæ are ciliated, whitish above, and brownish beneath. | |
166. |
abdomine griseo lineâ mediâ longitudinali guttulisque
lateralibus nigrescentibus, alis integris; superis
griseo-nigrescentibus maculis irregularibus
Dielophila Godarti. De Cerisy MSS. Obs. All the wings are of a gray colour beneath, the fringe being alternately white and brown. The thorax is gray, with a narrow, tawny, transverse mark, a lateral white fascia, two black curved marks, and on the hinder part a black spot. The body beneath is of a whitish colour. | |
167. |
capite thoraceque viridibus, abdomine nigro fiavoque variegato,
alis integris hyalinis subtus ad originem flavis, superis basin
versus brunneis pilis viridescentibus obtectis costâ
limboque posteriori brunneis, inferis ad originem limbumque
internum brunneo-viridescentibus.
Macroglossum Kingii. De Cerisy MSS. Obs. The antennæ of this beautiful species are black, very slender at the base, and thick towards the extremity. The palpi are greenish above and white beneath. The breast is white in the middle, and yellow at the sides. The two first segments of the abdomen are, on the upper side, gray in the middle, and yellow on the sides; the third segment is black, with a part of the anterior edge yellowish towards the side; the fourth segment is entirely black, having only a white fringe on its anterior edge; the fifth segment is of an orange yellow, with the middle black; the sixth segment is entirely yellow, and the whole abdomen is terminated by a pencil of hairs, which are yellow at their base, and black at the extremity. The thighs are whitish, with the tibiæ and tarsi yellow. | |
168. | COSSUS NEBULOSUS. Don. Insects of New Holland. | |
169. |
alba antennis fuscis, capite nigro bipunctato, thorace lineâ
transversâ miniatâ anticè punctis quatuor et
posticè duodecim nigris, alis testaceo-fuscis, superis ad
basin albis punctis axillaribus tribus atris rnaculisque duabus
mediis hyalinis, abdomine supra miniato subtus
Euprepia Crokeri. Captain P. P. King MSS. Obs. This lovely insect, of which two specimens were taken at sea, has been named by Captain King after John Wilson Croker, Esq., M.P., and First Secretary of the Admiralty. | |
170. | NOCTUA CYATHINA, (n. s.) N. fusco-grisea subtus pallidior, alis superis lineâ transversâ fuscâ sub-undatâ aliisque marginalibus obscuris fasciâ apicem versus fulvâ undatâ intus lineolâ fuscâ terminatâ, ad marginem externum dilatatâ, limbo punctorum serie vix marginato, subtus fasciâ albâ, posteris supra apicem versus nigris fasciâ mediâ maculisque tribus marginalibus albis, subtus maculâ marginali pallidiori margine nigro punctato. | |
Order HOMOPTERA. | ||
171. | CICADA AUSTRALASIÆ. Don. Ins. of New Holland. | |
172. | CICADA ZONALIS, (n. s.) C. capite thoraceque flavis, hoc macularum fasciâ nigrarum punctisque posticis variegato, abdomine atro fasciâ anticâ rubrâ analibusque tribus albis, lamellis basalibus subviridibus, elytris hyalinis costis viridibus pedibusque testaceis. | |
Order HEMIPTERA. | ||
173. |
Don. Ins. of New Holland.
Obs. This insect varies so much in colour, that I almost think it to be the same species with the following S. cyanipes, Fab. | |
174. |
Tetyra cyanipes. Fab. Syst. Rhyng. 133. 23. | |
175. |
Tetyra imperialis. Fab. Syst. Rhyng. 128. 1. | |
176. |
Supra cyanes lineâ
| |
177. |
Tetyra pagana. Fab. Syst. Rhyng. 134. 29. | |
178. |
Cimex cælebs. Fab. Ent. Syst. iv. 111. 119. | |
179. |
Cimex elegans. Don. Ins. of New Holland. | |
180. | LYGÆUS REGALIS, (n. s.) L. capite rubro, antennis nigris, thorace flavo-marginato anticè lineis albâ nigrâque transversè notato, scutello nigro, elytris flavis maculâ mediâ parteque apicali membranaceâ nigris, corpore subtus fulvo lateribus albo-lineatis pedibus nigro-brunneis. | |
Order DIPTERA. | ||
181. |
nigro-brunnea tomentosa, post-scutello flavo, abdomine supra
nigro maculis utrinque basin versus duabus viridibus, subtus
viridi, pedibus flavis.
Stratiomys Hunteri. Captain P. P. King MSS. Obs. This insect has been named by Captain King after Mr. James Hunter, the surgeon of the Mermaid. | |
182. | ASILUS INGLORIUS, (n. s.) A. obscuro-luteus abdomine ad basin pilis flavis hirsuto, alis flavo-hyalinis apice obscurioribus, pedibus rufis geniculis tarsisque nigris. | |
183. | TABANUS GUTTATUS. Don. Ins. of New Holland. | |
184. | TABANUS CINERESCENS, (n. s.) T. cinerco-ferrugineus subtus albescens, alis hyalinis basin versus subluteis, abdomine lineâ mediâ maculisque quatuor utrinque cinereis. | |
185. |
rostro brevi tota ferruginea
Pangonia Roei. Captain P. P. King MSS. Obs. This insect has been named after Lieutenant John S. Roe, R.N.; one of the assistant-surveyors of the expedition. | |
186. | ANTHRAX PRÆ-ARGENTATUS, (n. s.) A. supra niger pilis flavescentibus tomentosus subtus albidus, ore albo, pedibus nigris, alis brunneo-hyalinis margine exteriori saturatioribus apice albis. | |
187. | ANTHRAX BOMBYLIFORMIS, (n. s.) A. nigro-brunneus postscutello ferrugineo, abdomine supra ad basin fulvo apice albo fasciâque mediâ fuscâ, subtus albo pedibus atro-brunneis alis hyalinis basi margineque exteriori fuscis maculisque aliquot discoidalibus. | |
188. | MUSCA SPLENDIDA. Don. Ins. of New Holland. | |
Class ARACHNIDA. | ||
189. |
thorace sericeo cinereo, geniculis incrassatis pedibus
nigro-fulvis, tibiarum primo et postremo pari flavo-annulatis.
Nephila Cunninghamii. Captain P. P. King MSS. Named after Mr. Allan Cunningham, the botanist of the expedition. Obs. The genus Nephila has been very properly separated from Epeira by Dr. Leach in the Zoological Miscellany. | |
190. | ULOBORUS CANUS, (n. s.) U. albescens thorace convexo, pedum pari secundo longiori, femoribus nigro-punctatis. | |
191. |
rufo-testacea mandibulis pedibusque apicem versus nigris,
thorace sub-circulari plano. pedum secundo pari longiori.
Obs. The principal difference of this spider from the genus
| |
192. | THOMISUS MORBILLOSUS, (n. s.) T. pedibus quatuor primis longioribus, cinereus thorace maculâ posticâ sublunari magnâ viridifuscâ, pedibus sub-geminatim fusco maculatis. | |
. |
Gray, Ann. Phil. 1825.
Pentalasmis sulcata, Leach. Montague, Test. Brit. |