Brunnea; cornubus inter oculos duobus longis, compressis; thorace rugoso; alis brunneis, margine exteriori nigrescentibus, basi nigris, nervis obscuris et albo-maculatis; tegminibus in medio paulùm elevatis; pedibus longis, gracilibus, simplicibus, hirsutis. - Long. ant. , corp. 4'' 3'''. Exp. alar. 5'' 4'''.
This species is not listed in Balderson, J., Rentz, D.C.F. and Roach, A.M.E. (1998). in Houston, W.K.K. & Wells, A. (1998) (eds) Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Vol. 23. Archaeognatha, Zygentoma, Blattodea, Isoptera, Mantodea, Dermaptera, Phasmatodea, Embioptera, Zoraptera. Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing, Australia (ISBN 0643 06035 9). pp. 347 - 376. or Vickery, V.R. (1983). Catalogue of Australian stick insects (Phasmida, Phasmatodea, Phasmatoptera, or Cheleutoptera). CSIRO Australian Division of Entomology Technical Paper, No. 20, 15 pp. . Why not?
Note parental placement of eggs. Note appearance of eggs. Note any common variations.
Note typical vegetation, e.g. tropical rainforest, temperate rainforest, grasslands, alpine, etc.
For a stick insect with body length 108mm, to keep 2 adult females, you need a cage at least 500mm high, 250mm deep and 250mm wide.
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Peter Miller
This page was last changed 20-Sep-2006. |