Tropidoderus prasina
Distribution Map

The distribution map is a hyper-linked index. By clicking on a highlighted area of the map, you may obtain a species list for that area. Actual sightings are separated from the projected species. The algorithm used to project the species distributions is the one used by ERIN's BIOCLIM software. The climate data on which the projection is based was supplied by the Australian Bureau of Meterology. The square in the bottom left corner isn't an island, it's the list of species which don't have any sightings recorded yet. If you have a collection with one of these species in it, or a paper describing one of these species, please let me know.

This distribution map is based on the following statistics derived from the actual sightings combined with the environmental data:
Std. dev.
Altitude (m), average: 393.3 393.3 393.3 2.24291e-06
Altitude (m), maximum: 1029 1029 1029 0
Altitude (m), minimum: -21 -21 -21 0
rainfall, 10th percentile: 1176.08 1176.08 1176.08 0
rainfall, 33rd percentile: 1546.17 1546.17 1546.17 1.31195e-05
rainfall, 50th percentile: 1725.28 1725.28 1725.28 9.63164e-06
rainfall, 66th percentile: 1917.55 1917.55 1917.55 1.0884e-05
rainfall, 90th percentile: 2336.05 2336.05 2336.05 1.08945e-05
temperature, maximum, 10th percentile: 27.4425 27.4425 27.4425 0
temperature, maximum, 30th percentile: 27.6675 27.6675 27.6675 1.75049e-07
temperature, maximum, 50th percentile: 27.7725 27.7725 27.7725 0
temperature, maximum, 70th percentile: 28 28 28 0
temperature, maximum, 90th percentile: 28.1925 28.1925 28.1925 8.12762e-08
temperature, minimum, 10th percentile: 17.295 17.295 17.295 1.01065e-07
temperature, minimum, 30th percentile: 17.705 17.705 17.705 0
temperature, minimum, 50th percentile: 18.1325 18.1325 18.1325 1.11883e-07
temperature, minimum, 70th percentile: 18.3525 18.3525 18.3525 5.05323e-08
temperature, minimum, 90th percentile: 18.8825 18.8825 18.8825 0

Copyright © 2000-2003 Peter Miller
This page was last changed 20-Sep-2006.
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