Bacillus peristhenellus Tepper, 1905

Common Name:

Delete this section if there is no common name.


Length: Coloring: Note any distinguishing features.

body35 mm.
width, 1-1.3 mm.
head1.6 mm.
pronotum1.4 mm.
mesonotum9.5 mm.
metanotum6.5 mm.
abdomen16 mm.
ant. femora11 mm.
ant. tibiæ11 mm.
med. femora8 mm.
med. tibiæ8 mm.
post. femora10 mm.
post. tibiæ7.5 mm.
Two males. Body pale ochreous to dull blackish-brown, filiform, thorax carinated. Head pale dull ochreous, with two interrupted black vittæ behind the eyes, an ovate, longitudinal impression anteriorly, on either side of which a fine distinct ridge, bind margin crenate. Eyes yellowish-grey. Antennæ as long or longer as anterior femora, first joint long, flat, next two very short and thick, remainder shorter than first, subequal, filiform. Pronotum rough, dull, same colour as head, wider behind, anterior margin suberenate, forming a distinct ridge, median carina very fine, marginal ridges distinct, intra-marginal carina rather broad. Mesonotum with subparallel sides, raised median and submarginal ridges, dark brown. Metanotum similar, ridges much more distinct, both meso- and metanotum very minutely papillose between the raised lines, and of the same width. Abdomen very slender, apparently fiat underneath, brown in the dried specimens, tapering towards apex. Legs triquetrous, with one or two carina on each face, unarmed. Supra-anal lamina very short, triangular. Cerci not exceeding apex.

Note parental placement of eggs. Note appearance of eggs. Note any common variations.


Note if the species arborial or terrestrial. Canopy, mid, under, etc.

Note typical vegetation, e.g. tropical rainforest, temperate rainforest, grasslands, alpine, etc.

Similar Species:

Rearing Notes:

Note if this species has ever been reared. Note any suggestions for successful rearing.

For a stick insect with body length 35mm, to keep 2 adult females, you need a cage at least 160mm high, 70mm deep and 70mm wide.


W plateau, SA


It is not known if this species is endangered, as there is insufficient sighting history.


Copyright © 2000-2003 Peter Miller
This page was last changed 20-Sep-2006.
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