Circa 1933. B&W hand tinted.
A. H. Pelham collection.
(see person in foreground for scale)

April 1994. Photo: B. Cameron

July 2008. Photo: P. Miller
Friends of Saint Helena Crater
This web site is for the Friends of Saint Helena Crater bush care group.
We are working on restoring Saint Helena Crater in the Blue Mountains National Park, NSW, to its natural state. It is
presently suffering from a severe weed problem. We are working with
NPWS to tackle the problem.
Take a look at the problem in 2009: there is a page of immersive panoramas that you can pan left and right, and tilt
up and down; you can take “a look around”.
Getting There
Location: via Google Maps
Map: Penrith 1:25k, ref 740622
Closest route from a railway station is Blaxland via Ross Crescent and
the Bullant track (6.4km). I've never walked this route.
Closest route by car is parking at Martins Lookout via the Kings Link
track via Bunyan Lookout (4.5km). The Glenbrook Creek valley is 250m deep
at this point, and you will need legs of iron to cross it twice in one day.
(Martins Lookout to Bunyans Lookout takes about 2hrs.)
Glenbrook station via the Duck Hole is 7.3km. This is the way I first
went to Saint Helena Crater, and still my favourite. The Glenbrook
Creek valley isn't as deep at this point, and is at an easier grade.
The easiest walk in is the 11.5km from the Woodford gate,
and most definitely the easiest walk out.
Our Aims:
The aim of this group is to restore Saint Helena Crater to the state
which inspired The Warrigal Club to start work to protect it in the late
1930s. It was described then as
an attractive and unique feature from the point of view of geological
and botanical study and the [lease] will permit of some control being
exercised over it to prevent spoilation and destruction of these special
Sadly, the crater today has difficulty inspiring such sentiments.
You can read an article describing the problem
There is also shorter version as PDF.
“A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know
they shall never sit in.” — Greek Proverb
The proverb is a metaphore, but
you and I can grow us some actual trees.
We are currently recruiting individuals and bushwalking clubs to help us
with this long-term project. There is more than enough work, and credit,
to go around!
Follow the link to see how you, and your
club, can participate.
Want to stay up-to-date with what is happening?
See our mailing list.
Please join our mailing list, it makes it much easier to
distribute important information, such as short-notice events,
to interested people.
Do you have photographs of Saint Helena Crater in better days?
We are urgently looking for photographs of the crater, to give people
an idea of why it is so important to restore this “attractive and
unique feature”, and what it is that we are aiming for. Please
contact Peter Miller <pmiller@opensource.org.au> if you do.
If you have trip reports of visits to the crater, with or without
photographs, recently or long ago or anywhere in between, we would like
to see them.
When are we planning working bees? See the
the calendar.
The following weeds are known to occur in the crater:
Balloon Vine,
Black Willow,
Cobbler's Pegs,
Moth Vine.
Follow the link for more information.
Copyright © 2008 Peter Miller
Some rights reserved.
These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Share
Alike 3.0 License. You may use this material
if you fully comply with the license conditions.
This page has been accessed approximately
times since 2008-Aug-27.