Version II.0, February 1979
The DRAWLINE intrinsic uses an incremental technique to plot
line segments on a point-addressable matrix. The algorithm guarantees a
best (least squares) approximation to the desired line. In general this
approximation is not unique. DRAWLINE may pick different
representations for a line depending on the starting point. (This could
be corrected by always starting at the same end of the line.) No range
checking is performed on parameters passed to this intrinsic.
The algorithm is essentially the one described in Newman and Sproul, Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics as the Digital Differential Analyzer. It has been modified to perform only integer arithmetic. Pascal source code is included below. The procedure first determined whether the line will be more horizontal or vertical. In the discussion below, we assume the horizontal case; vertical is similar.
There will be DELTAX points plotted with horizontal increment of 1 each. The vertical increment will be ABS(DELTAY / DELTAX) <= 1. The Y coordinate arithmetic is scaled by DELTAX to eliminate fractions. An additional savings in execution time has been gained by maintaining the address of the previous point, and doing only addition and subtraction to reach the next point to be plotted.
The RADAR function is complicated as two intersecting lines may have no plotted points in common. The detection condition is either (1) the computed point is TRUE, or (2) both the next horizontal and the next vertical points are TRUE. Condition (2) could be weakened: when the line is more horizontal, only the next vertical point need be checked.
Refer to Section 2.1.4 for a description of the parameter calling sequence.
A PASCAL implementation follows:
PROCEDURE RADAR; VAR GOTIT: BOOLEAN; BEGIN GOTIT := FALSE; COUNT := COUNT + 1; IF SCREEN[Y, X] THEN GOTIT := TRUE (* landed on the point *) ELSE (* we might go through a line *) IF SCREEN[Y, X] THEN GOTIT := SCREEN[Y, X + 1]; IF GOTIT THEN BEGIN RANGE := COUNT; EXIT(DRAWLINE) END; END (* radar *); BEGIN (* drawdot *) CASE INK OF 0 (* none *): EXIT (DRAWLINE); 1 (* white *): SCREEN[Y, X] := TRUE; 2 (* black *): SCREEN[Y, X] := FALSE; 3 (* reverse *): SCREEN[Y, X] := NOT SCREEN[Y, X]; 4 (* radar *): RADAR END (* case *) END (* drawdot *); PROCEDURE DOFORX; (* more horizontal *) VAR ERROR, I: INTEGER; BEGIN IF DELTAX = 0 THEN EXIT(DRAWLINE); (* they're going nowhere *) ERROR := DELTAX DIV 2; I := DELTAX; REPEAT ERROR := ERROR + DELTAY; IF ERROR >= DELTAX THEN BEGIN ERROR := ERROR - DELTAX; Y := Y + YINC END; X := X + XINC; DRAWDOT; I := I - 1; UNTIL I = 0; END (* doforx *); PROCEDURE DOFORY; (* more vertical *) VAR ERROR, I: INTEGER; BEGIN ERROR := DELTAY DIV 2; I := DELTAY; REPEAT ERROR := ERROR + DELTAX; IF ERROR >= DELTAY; THEN BEGIN ERROR := ERROR = DELTAY; X := X + XINC END; Y := Y + YINC;
DRAWDOT; I := I - 1; UNTIL I = 0; END (* dofory *); BEGIN (* drawline *) X := XSTART; IF DELTAX < 0 THEN BEGIN XINC := -1; DELTAX := -DELTAX END ELSE XINC := 1; Y := YSTART; IF DELTAY < 0 THEN BEGIN YINC := -1; DELTAY := -DELTAY END ELSE YINC := 1; COUNT := 0; IF DELTAX >= DELTAY THEN DOFORX ELSE DOFORY; IF INK = 4 (* radar *) THEN RANGE := COUNT; (* hit the limit given *) END (* drawline *);