4.6. RT11 to Pascal Conversion Kit

Version I.5, September 1978

page239 The utility file labeled RT11TOEDIT is intended for use with RT-11 disks. It assumes the presence of an RT-11 directory spanning blocks 6–7. When the file is executed it asks the user to specify the Pascal system unit number of the volume of which the user wants to view the directory. Once a legal on-line unit has been specified, RT11TOEDIT reads each entry on blocks 6–7. The program uses the UNITREAD intrinsic to read the directory and does not open the file in the usual manner. It lists on the screen the entire contents of the directory. For each entry it specifies the file title, file kind, the size of the file in blocks, and the starting block location of the file (in base 10). All unused portions are identified as such. The user will be prompted for an RT-11 file name, a Pascal system file name, and finally a mode of transfer. page240

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