Version 1.5, September 1978
The program LIBMAP produces a map of a library (or code) file
and lists the linker information maintained for each segment of the
file. In the case of segments which are Pascal Units the map file
will also contain the interface section of the Unit. See section
3.3.2 for greater detail.
The program first prompts for a library file name. As in the linker, this may be an asterisk to indicate ‘*SYSTEM.LIBRARY’. The “.CODE” suffix may be suppressed by appending a period to the full file name.
Typically, the map utility will be used to list library definitions but the option is available to include intra-library symbol references. Should this feature be desired, type a “Y” when queried for a reference list. A space (or carriage return) is considered a “N”.
The user is now prompted for an output file name. (“.TEXT” will be appended unless an extra period is used.) Typing just carriage return defaults output to CONSOLE:. Several libraries may be mapped at the same time. To quit, type a carriage return when prompted for any file name.
LIBRARY MAP FOR *SYSTEM.LIBRARY Segment # 0: PASCALIO separate procedure segment PASCALIO separate proc P #1 FSEEK separate proc P #1 FSEEK separate byte reference (once) FREADREA separate proc P #2 FREADREA separate byte reference (once) FREADDEC separate proc P #4
FREADDEC separate byte reference (once) FWRITERE separate proc P #3 FWRITERE separate byte reference (once) FWRITEDE separate proc P #5 FWRITEDE separate byte reference (once) DECOPS separate byte reference (8 times) ------------------------------------------------- Segment # 1: DECOPS separate procedure segment DECOPS separate proc P #1 DECOPS global addr P #1, I #0 GDEC global addr P #1, I #0 ------------------------------------------------- Segment # 3: MAGIC separate procedure segment POWER separate proc P #1 POWER separate byte reference (once) -------------------------------------------------