5.1. Execution Errors

Version I.5, September 1978

0 System error   FATAL 1 Invalid index, value out of range XINVNDX 2 No segment, bad code file XNOPROC 3 Procedure not present at exit time XNOEXIT 4 Stack overflow XSTKOVR 5 Integer overflow XINTOVR 6 Divide by zero XDIVZER 7 Invalid memory reference <bus timed out> XBADMEM 8 User break XUBREAK 9 System I/O error XSYIOER FATAL 10 User I/O error XUIOERR 11 Unimplemented instruction XNOTIMP 12 Floating point math error XFPIERR 13 String too long XS2LONG 14 Halt, Breakpoint (without debugger in core) XHLTBPT 15 Bad Block

All fatal errors either cause the system to rebootstrap, or if the error was totally lethal to the system, the user will have to reboot. All errors cause the system to re-initialize itself (call system procedure INITIALIZE).

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