Notes on the Biology of some Australian Stick Insects (Phasmatodea)

By G. O. Bedford

Division of Entomology, C.S.I.R.O., Canberra, A.C.T. Present address: U.N./S.P.C. Rhinoceros Beetle Project, C/- Lowlands Agricultural Experiment Station, Keravat via Rabaul, T.P.N.G.

Journal of the Australian Entomological Society, 1968, 7: 81-82.

[Manuscript received December 11, 1967.]


Specimens of the Phasmatodea, Eurycnema goliath (Gray), Podacanthus typhon Gray and Tropidoderus childrenii (Gray), were reared in the insectary and observations on longevity and fecundity were made. Facultative thelytokous parthenogenesis may exist in the last two species.

Note: the literature at the time this paper was written incorrectly synonymized E. osiris and E. goliath; for details, see Brock, P.D. (1998). Studies on the stick-insect genus Eurycnema Audinet-Serville (Phasmida; Phasmatidae) with particular reference to Australian species. J. Orthoptera Research, 7: 61-70.

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