Description of the male of Clemacantha regale Rainbow.

(Assistant Entomologist, the Australian Museum, Sydney).

Records of the Australian Museum, Vol. xix, no. 6, Sydney, 7 October, 1936, pp. 380-382

(Figures 1-3.)

In 1897 the late W. J. Rainbow described a new genus and species of Phasmid under the name Clemacantha regale from a female example received from Narrabri, New South Wales. The species is a remarkable one, being the largest recorded from Australia, as well as being of exceptional beauty and delicacy of colour.

The male of this species remained unknown until January 29, 1933, when Capt. F. H. Andrew forwarded specimens of a male and female taken in cop. at Kempsey, New South Wales. Opportunity is now taken to describe the male. The female with which the male was paired was received in poor condition.

Note: the literature at the time this paper was written incorrectly synonymized E. osiris and E. goliath; for details, see Brock, P.D. (1998). Studies on the stick-insect genus Eurycnema Audinet-Serville (Phasmida; Phasmatidae) with particular reference to Australian species. J. Orthoptera Research, 7: 61-70. .

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