Arphax dolomedes (Westwood, 1859)

Common Name:

Delete this section if there is no common name.


Length: Coloring: Note any distinguishing features.

male and female apterous

  1. Body length: male 84-90 mm, female 108-126 mm.
  2. Coloration: Female green or brown, male brown with greenish legs.
  3. Head: 2 × longer than wide. Antennae slightly longer than forefemora in male, slightly shorter in female.
  4. Thorax: Smooth. Pronotum 1/2 length of head. Mesonotum over 6 × length of prothorax. Metanotum shorter than mesonotum.
  5. Abdomen: Long, broader than thorax. End of anal segment in female rounded, in male triangular when viewed laterally. Cerci stout, longer than anal segment in male, shorter in female; rather tapered towards tip. Operculum in female extended into an ovipositor, exceeding end of anal segment by approximately 17 mm. Subgenital plate in male short, not reaching end of 8th segment.
  6. Wings: Absent.
  7. Legs: Slender, hind legs long. All femora with a series of short serrations.

Note parental placement of eggs. Note appearance of eggs. Note any common variations.

Egg: Capsule oval, brown, with small, pale yellowish brown capitulum. Micropylar plate a long, narrow band. Capsule length 3.5 mm, width 1.2 mm, height 2 mm.


Note if the species arborial or terrestrial. Canopy, mid, under, etc.


Foodplants: Believed to feed on grasses, including Sorghum intrans.

Similar Species:

Rearing Notes:

Note if this species has ever been reared. Note any suggestions for successful rearing.

For a stick insect with body length 126mm, to keep 2 adult females, you need a cage at least 600mm high, 250mm deep and 250mm wide.


N coastal, NE coastal, NT, QLD.


It is not known if this species is endangered, as there is insufficient sighting history.



Copyright © 2000-2003 Peter Miller
This page was last changed 20-Sep-2006.
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