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Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 1902, Vol. 26, pp. 278-287.
By J. G. O. Tepper, F.L.S., F.S.Sc., &c.
[Read October 21, 1902.]
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M. FILUM, Sharp, Willey's Zool. Results, 1897, p 81, pl. 7, f. 1. Hab. - New Britain.
M. BINODES, Sharp, l.c., f. 2. Hab. - New Britain.
M. BITUBER, Sharp, l.c., p. 82. Hab. - New Britain.
M. SIMPLEX, Sharp, l.c., p. 83, f. 3. Hab. - New Britain.
M. SORDIDUS, Sharp, l.c., p. 83. Hab. - New Britain.
M. RAMULUS, Sharp, l.c., p. 83. Hab. - New Britain.
L. NIGROPUNCTATUS, Kirby, Trans. Linn. Soc., Lond., VI., p. 453. Hab. - Lizard Island (Queensland).
D. (?) INSULARIS, Kirby, l.c., p. 460. Hab. - Thursday Island (New Guiuea).
H. TUBERCULATUS, Stål, l.c., (B. eutrachelia, Westw.,), p. 67. Hab. - Western Australia.
B. CELATUS, Sharp, l.c., p. 84, pl. 7, f. 4. Hab. - New Britain.
P. SQUALIDA (Hope), Gray, l.c.; Westwood, Cat. Orth., p. 15, pl. 22, f. 4 (fem.).
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P. (?) SIMPLICIPES, Serv.; Westwood, l.c., p. 15. Hab. - Australia.
P. HISTRICULEA, Westwood, l.c., p. 18, pl. 1, f. 4 (fem.); Hutton, Trans. N.Z. Inst., XXXI., p. 52. Hab. - New Zealand.
P. NOVÆGUINEÆ, Kaup, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr., XI., p. 26 (1871). Hab. - New Guinea.
P. ANNULATA, Hutton, Trans. N.Z. Inst, XXX., 1897, p. 162. Hab. - New Zealand.
P. SALEBROSA, Hutton, l.c., XXXI., p. 52. Hab. - New Zealand.
P. ACORNUTA, Hutton, l.c., p. 53.
C. COENOSA, Gray; Westwood, l.c., p. 33, 71 (B. tenuis, Hope, male; B. coenosa, female, B. fragilis, larva, Hope). Hab. - North Australia.
P. SORDIDUS, Kirby, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., VI., p. 463; pl. 40, f. 4. Hab. - Thursday Island (N. Guinea).
P. CAPRELLA, Westwood, Cat. Phas, p. 76, pl. 21, f. 3 (male). Hab. - Australia.
P. DAVIDIS, LeGuill.; Westw., l.c., p. 77. Hab. - Solomon islands.
P. BRITANNIÆ, Wood-Mason, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, XLVI., p. 75, 351. (P. feejeeanus, Westw.). Hab. - New Britain.
P. APOLLONIUS, Westwood, l.c., p. 181, pl. 40, f. 4 (female). Hab. - Fiji Islands.
B. FRENCHI, Wood-Mason, Ann. Mag. Nat. History, Fourth Series, vol. XX., 1878, p. 78. Hab ?
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B. COULONIANUM, Sauss., l.c., p. 128, pl. 2, f. 8. Hab. - ? Australia (? Chili).
C. HOOKERI, White, Zool. "Ereb. and Terr.," p. 24, pl. 6, f. 6; Westwood, Cat. Phas., p. 14; Hutton, Tr. N.Z. Inst., 1898, p. 54. Hab. - New Zealand.
C. COLOREUS, Colenso, Trans. N.Z. Inst., XVIII., p. 151; Hutton, l.c., 54. Hab. - New Zealand.
C. LAEVIUSCULUS, Stål., l.c., p. 82; Hutton, l.c., p. 56. Hab. - New Zealand.
C. REDUCTUS, Hutton, Trans. N.Z. Inst., XXXI. (1898), p. 55.
A. HORRIDUS, White, l.c., p. 24, pl. 5, f. 4; Westwood, l.c., p. 49; Hutton, l.c., 58. Hab. - New Zealand.
A. GERHARDII, Kaup., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1866, p. 577. Hab. - Southern Island, New Zealand.
A. SYLVATICUS, Colenso, Trans. N.Z. Inst., XIV., 1882, p. 278. Hab. - Hawke Bay, N.Z.
A. TITAN, Macleay, in King's Surv. Austr., II., 454; Westwood, l.c., 114. Hab. - Australia.
A. BRIAREUS, Gray, Trans. Ent. Soc., I., p. 45; Westw., l.c., 114.
A. CHRONUS, Gray, Syn. Phas., p. 39; Gray, Ent. Austr., I., pl. 50, f. 2.; Westw., l.c. Hab. - Australia.
A. JAPETUS, Gray, Syn. Phas., p. 41; Gray, Ent. Austr., I., pl. 50, f. 1; Westwood, Cat. Phas., p. 114. Hab. - Melville Island (N. Australia).
A. OSIRIS, Gray, Trans. Ent. Soc., I., p. 46; Gray, Syn. Phas., p. 40 (= spinicollis, Gray); Westwood, l.c., p. 115. Hab. - North Australia.
A. ACHERON, Gray, l.c., p. 46, 40; Westwood, l.c., 115. Hab. - N. Australia.
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A. TESSELATA, Gray, l.c., p. 44; Westwood, l.c., 115. Hab. - Queensland.
A. SALMACIS, Westwood, l.c., p. 116, pl. 37, f. 2. Hab. - Northern Australia.
A. VIOLASCENS, Leach, Zool. Mix., I., p. 9; Gray, Syn. Phas., p. 40; Gray, Ent. Austr., pl. 6., f. 1; pl. 7, f. 1 (roseipennis); Westwood, l.c. Hab. - Queensland (Australia).
A. MACROTEGMA, Tepper (Lopaphus macrotegmus, Tepper), Trans. Roy. S.A., IX., 1886, p. 112, pl. vi. Hab. - South Australia.
A. TASMANIENSIS, Lea, separate print, 1902. Hab. - Tasmania.
A. SPINIVENTRIS, Sharp, l.c., p. 85. Hab. - Lifu, Fiji Islands.
CT. NIGROVARIA, Stål, l.c., III., p. 83. Hab. - Cape York, Queensland.
CT. ALBOPUNCTATUM, Kirby, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., V I., p. 472, pl. 39. Hab. - Queensland.
C. REINWARDTII, Deliaan, Orient. Orth., p. 130, pl. 10, f. 1 (male); Westwood, l.c., p. 107. Hab. - New Guinea.
C. GOLIATH, Gray, Trans. Ent. Soc., I., p. 45; Gray, Syn. Phas., p. 39; C. versirubra, Serv., Orth., p. 235; Westw., l.c., 107. Hab. - Java; Timor; N. Guinea; N. Australia; Queensland.
C. PASIMACHUS, Westwood, l.c., p. 109, pl. 9, f. 5 (female). Hab. - Australia.
C. HERCULANEA, Charpentier, Orth. pl. i. (1841), female; C. versifasciata, Serv., male (?), H. N. Orth., p. 235; Eur. aestuans, Karsch., Ent. Nachr., XXIV., p. 365; C. Hanitschi, Sharp, Willey's Zool. Res., p. 89 (1898); Brunn., Mitth. Mus. Hamb., XV., p. 4. Hab. - Java; North Australia.
O. STRIATICOLLIS, Kaup, l.c., p. 38. Hab. - Australia.
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A. CONFUSA, Sharp, l.c., p. 80; Westwood, Cat. Orth., p. 111 (nov. nom. pro C. maculata, West., pars.). Hab. - Amboyna; Sandwich Islands.
A. STOLLII, Sharp, l.c., p. 89 (C. maculata, auct. p.). Hab. - Lifu, Fiji Islands.
C. REGALE, Rainbow, l. c., p. 34, pl. 9 (possibly referable to Cyphocrania herculanea, Sharp). Hab. - New South Wales; Queensland.
V. ENCELADUS, Westwood, l.c., p. 108, pl. 39, f. 1, 2; Stål, l.c., p. 84. Hab. - Australia.
D. VIRGINEA, Stål, l.c., p. 84 (male). Near D. violascens. Hab. - Cape York, Queensland (N. Australia).
T. CHILDRENI, Gray (female), T. typhæus, Gray (male), Gray, Ent. Austr., I., p. 26, pl. 3, f. 1; pl. 6, f. 2; Gray, Syn. Phas., pp. 3l, 40; Westwood, l.c., p. 165. Hab. - N.E. Australia.
T. IODOMUS, McCoy, Prod. Zool. Vict., pl. 69, 70, f. 2, 3. Hab. - Victoria.
T. RHODOMUS, McCoy, l.c., fig. 1. Hab. - South Australia; Victoria.
T. DECIPIENS, Rainbow, Rec. Austr. Mus., III. Hab. - New South Wales.
L. HIPPOLYTUS, Stål, l.c., Esp. nouv. Phas., p. 65. Hab. - Queensland.
P. TYPHON, Gray, l.c., p. 32, pl. 2, f. 1: P. unicolor, Charp., Orth., pl. 56; Westwood, l.c., p. 117. Hab. - New South Wales; Australia.
P. VIRIDIROSEUS (Curt., M S.), Gray, l.c., p. 43; Westwood, l.c., 117. Hab. - Queensland; S. Australia.
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V. WALKERI, Kirby, l.c., p. 489.
G. BICOLOR, Sharp, l.c., p. 87, pl. 7, f. 6. Hab. - Lifu, Fiji Islands.
G. PALLIPES, Sharp, l.c., p. 88, pl. 7, f. 5. Hab. - Lifu, Fiji Islands.
E. TIARATUM, Macleay, King's Surv. Austr. App. II., p. 455, pl. B, f. 3, 4; Gray, l.c., p. 29; I., pl. 8, f. 1, 2; Westwood, l.c., p. 170. Hab. - N.S. Wales (Australia); New Guinea; Tasmania.
E. BUFONIUM, Westwood, Thes. ent. Oxon., 1874, p. 174, pl. 32, f. 2. Hab. - Australia.
G. COCCOPHAGA (Gray), Westwood, l.c., p. 99; A. fulvescens, Sauss., Mel. Orth. II., p. 117, pl. 2, f. 3, 4, 1869. Hab. - Navigator Islands; Tonga; Fiji.
G. LIFUENSIS, Sharp, Willey's Zool. Res., 1898, p. 86, pl. 7, f. 21. Hab. - Lifu, Fiji Islands.
N. ARUANA, Westw., l.c., p. 134, pl. 39, f. 4. Hab. - Aru Islands (N. Guinea).
N. CARTERUS, Westw., l.c., p. 138, pl. 15, f. 5. Hab. - Australia.
N. SARPEDON, Westw., l.c., p. 138, pl. 32, f. 5; pl. 16, f. 1. Hab - Northern Australia.
N. CURTIPES, Westwood, Cat. Orth., p. 143. Hab. - Prince of Wales Island (N. Guinea).
N. ANNULIPES (Curt. MS.), Gray, Syn. Phas., p. 37 (Platycrania); Westw., l.c., p. 150. Hab. - India, &c.; Australia.
N. PAPUANA, Branscik, Jahrb. nat. wiss. Ver., Trenes., XXXI., pl. 2, fig. 9. Hab. - New Guinea.
N. DISTINCTA, Branscik, l.c. Hab. - New Guinea.
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M. PHELAUS, Westw., Cat. Orth., p. 113, pl. 27, f. 5. New genus for this species as a type. Hab. - Fiji Islands.
L. GORGUS, Westwood, l.c., p. 102, pl. 11, f. 4. Hab. - New South Wales.
A. PERIPHANES, Westw., l.c., p. 100, pl. 8, f. 2. Hab. - Australia.
A. RHIPHEUS, Westw., l.c., p. 100, pl. 8, f. 10. Hab. - Western Australia.
CH. WOODFORDI, Kirby, l.c., p. 455. pl. 39, f. 1, 2. Hab. - Solomon Islands.
H. PYTHONIUS, Westwood, l.c., p. 73, pl. 35, f. 3; pl. 12, f. 1. Hab. - Fiji Islands.
A. FEMORATUS, Stål., l.c., p. 89. Hab. - New Caledonia.
N. BRUNNERI, Stål, l.c., p. 90. Hab. - New Caledonia.
NOTE. - This genus and species is stated by Brunner (Rev. Syst. Orth., 1893, p. 83) to represent the female of the preceding.
K. AUSTRALIS, Mont., l.c., p. 86; Westw., l.c., p. 65, pl. 1, f. 1, 2. Hab. - Lord Howe's Island.
E. HORRIDA, Boisd., l.c., p. 647, pl. 10, f. 2; Westw., l.c., p. 63. Hab. - Dorei, N. Britain; Woodlark Is. (N. Guinea).
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E. MICRANTHA, Montr., Ann. Soc. Lyon, ser. 2, VII., p. 85; Westw., l.c., p. 64. Hab. - Woodlark Island (N. Guinea).
E. SCORPIONIDES, Montr., l.c., suppl., p. 85; Westw., l.c., p. 64. Hab. - Woodlark Island.
E. ROSENBERGI, Kaup, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr., XI., p. 34 (1871). Hab. - New Guinea.
E. ECHINATA, Lucas, Bull. Soc. Ent. France, VIII., p. 163 (1878). Hab. - New Guinea.
C. CROCODILUS, Stål, l.c., p. 90. Hab. - New Caledonia.
C. SALAMANDRA, Stål, l.c., p. 91. Hab. - New Caledonia.
D. PROSTASIS, Westw., l.c., p. 81, pl. 34, f. 4, 5. Hab. - Aru Islands (New Guinea).
H. AUSTRALIS, Kirby, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., VI., p. 472. Hab. - Australia.
A. SPINOSUS, Gray, l.c., p. 14; Westw., l.c., p. 48. Hab. - Western Australia.
A. SPINIGER, White, Voy. "Er. and Terr.," p. 24; Westw., l.c., p. 48; Hutton, Trans. N.Z. Inst., XXX, 1897, p 164. Hab. - New Zealand (North Island ?).
A. OCCIPITALIS, Kaup, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr., XI., 1871, p. 31. Hab. - Celebes, New Guinea. A. ATRO-ARTICULATUS, Colenso, Trans. N.Z. Inst., XVII., p. 154; Hutton, ibid, XXX, p. 164. Hab. - New Zealand.
A. PRASINUS, Westw., l.c., p. 49, pl. 3, f. 2; Hutton, l.c., p. 164. Hab. - New Zealand (North and South Island).
A. FILIFORMIS, Colenso, l.c., p. 153; Hutton, l.c., p. 164. Hab. - New Zealand (Hawke Bay).
A. GEISOVII, Kaup, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1866, p. 578; Hutton, l.c., p. 165. Hab. - New Zealand (Great Barrier Is., Canterbury).
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A. FASCIATUS, Hutton, l.c., p. 58. Hab. - Great Barrier Is., N. Zealand.
P. CORONATUS, De Haan, Orth. Orient., p. 134, pl. 14, f. 4, 5; Westwood, Cat. Orth., p. 51; Stål., l.c., p. 93. Hab. - Amboyna, Ceram, Australia.
M. AGATHOCLES, Stål, l.c., p. 100. Hab. - (?) Australia.
P. KIRBYI, Gray, Syn. Phas., p. 32; Westw., l.c., pl. 31, f. 6, 7. Hab. - Australia.
L. AQUATILIS, Stål, l.c., p. 102. Hab. - New Caledonia.
B. BEECHEYI, Gray, Syn. Phas., p. 21; Burmeister, Handb, II, p. 562; Westwood, l.c., p. 12. Hab. - Sandwich Islands (Hawaii).
B. BRUNNEUS, Gray, l.c.; Ent. Austr., pl. 7, f. 3. Hab. - Western Australia.
B. AUSTRALIS, Charp., Orth. deser., p. 57; Westw., l. c., p 12. Hab. - Australia
B. DOLOMEDES, Westw, Cat Orth. Ins., p. 13, pl. 5, f. 4. Hab. - Australia.
B. PERISTHENES, Westw., l.c., p. 13, pl. 7, f. 1; pl. 8, f. 2. Hab. - Australia.
B. PERIDROMES, Westw., l.c., p. 13, pl. 8, f. 2b, 2c. Hab. - Australia.
B. MINIMUS, Colenso, Trans. N Z. Institute, XVII., p. 185. Hab. - (?) New Zealand.
C. ABERRANS, Sharp, l.c., p. 91, pl. 8, f. 12. Hab. - Lifu, Fiji Islands.
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PH. SICCIFOLIUM, Linn., &c., Cuvier, Reg. An, pl. 79; Westwood, l.c., p. 172. Hab. - India, Java, Timor, N. Guinea.
PH. GERYON, Gray, in Zoologist, 1843, 1., 118; De Haan, Orth. Orient., pl. 15, f. 7. Hab. - Philippine Is.; (?) New Caledonia (Mus. Adel.).
CH. LOBIVENTRIS, Blanch., in d'Urville, Zool. Voy. Pole Sud, IV., p. 359, pl. 50, f. 9; Westw., to, p. 174, pl. 39, f. 5. Hab. - Levuka, Ovalau, Fiji Islands.
CH. FEEJEEANUS, Sharp, Willey's Zool. Results, 1898, p. 87, pl 8, f. 14. Hab. - Fiji Islands.
No. | No. | ||
Acanthoderus | 43 | Græffea | 29 |
Acanthodyta | 15 | Hermarchus | 35 |
Acrophylla | 14 | Heteropteryx | 42 |
Anchiale | 19 | Hyrtacus | 4 |
Anophelepis | 33 | Karabidion | 38 |
Argosarchus | 13 | Leosthenes | 47 |
Asprenas | 36 | Lonchodes | 2 |
Bacillus | 48 | Lopaphus (Orxines) | 32 |
Bacteria | 10 | Lysicles | 24 |
Bactridium | 11 | Megacrania | 31 |
Brachyrtacus | 5 | Metriotes | 45 |
Cacomorpha | 49 | Myronides | 1 |
Canachus | 40 | Neanthes | 37 |
Candovia | 7 | Necroscia | 30 |
Chitoniscus | 51 | Ophicrania | 18 |
Chondrostethus | 34 | Pachymorpha | 6 |
Clemacantha | 20 | Phibalosoma | 9 |
Clitarchus | 1 | Phyllium | 50 |
Ctenomorpha | 16 | Podacanthus | 25 |
Cyphocrania | 17 | Prisopus | 46 |
Dimorphodes | 41 | Promachus | 8 |
Diura | 22 | Pylæmenes | 44 |
Dixippus | 3 | Tropidoderus | 23 |
Eurycantha | 39 | Vasilissa | 26 |
Extatosoma | 28 | Vetilia | 21 |
Gigantophasma | 27 |