List of the Described Genera and Species of the Australian and Polynesian Phasmidæ (Spectre-Insects).

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Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 1902, Vol. 26, pp. 278-287.

By J. G. O. Tepper, F.L.S., F.S.Sc., &c.

[Read October 21, 1902.]

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  1. MYRONIDES, Stål, Rev. Orth., III., p. 8, 1875. (Type - Lonchodes Pfeifferæ, Westw., Cat. Orth., p. 44, pl. 5, f. 6.)

    M. FILUM, Sharp, Willey's Zool. Results, 1897, p 81, pl. 7, f. 1. Hab. - New Britain.

    M. BINODES, Sharp, l.c., f. 2. Hab. - New Britain.

    M. BITUBER, Sharp, l.c., p. 82. Hab. - New Britain.

    M. SIMPLEX, Sharp, l.c., p. 83, f. 3. Hab. - New Britain.

    M. SORDIDUS, Sharp, l.c., p. 83. Hab. - New Britain.

    M. RAMULUS, Sharp, l.c., p. 83. Hab. - New Britain.

  2. LONCHODES, Gray, Syn. Phas.; Westwood, l.c., p. 36; Stål, l.c., p. 8, 66. (Type - L. geniculatus, Westwood.)

    L. NIGROPUNCTATUS, Kirby, Trans. Linn. Soc., Lond., VI., p. 453. Hab. - Lizard Island (Queensland).

  3. DIXIPPUS, Stål, l.c., p. 9, 66 (1875). (Types - Lonchodes nematodes, Westw. (female), Cat. Phas., p. 421; and Phasma (Bacteria) nodosum, De Haan (male), Orth., p. 133.)

    D. (?) INSULARIS, Kirby, l.c., p. 460. Hab. - Thursday Island (New Guiuea).

  4. HYRTACUS, Stål, Rev. Orth, p. 10. (Type - Bacteria eutrachelia, Westw., l.c., p. 32, pl. 34, f. 11).

    H. TUBERCULATUS, Stål, l.c., (B. eutrachelia, Westw.,), p. 67. Hab. - Western Australia.

  5. BRACHYRTACUS, Sharp, Willey's Zool. Results, 1898.

    B. CELATUS, Sharp, l.c., p. 84, pl. 7, f. 4. Hab. - New Britain.

  6. PACHYMORPHA, Gray, Syn. Phas.; Stål, l.c., p. 9 (Phasma, Bacillus &c., auct.).

    P. SQUALIDA (Hope), Gray, l.c.; Westwood, Cat. Orth., p. 15, pl. 22, f. 4 (fem.).
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    Hab. - Australia.

    P. (?) SIMPLICIPES, Serv.; Westwood, l.c., p. 15. Hab. - Australia.

    P. HISTRICULEA, Westwood, l.c., p. 18, pl. 1, f. 4 (fem.); Hutton, Trans. N.Z. Inst., XXXI., p. 52. Hab. - New Zealand.

    P. NOVÆGUINEÆ, Kaup, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr., XI., p. 26 (1871). Hab. - New Guinea.

    P. ANNULATA, Hutton, Trans. N.Z. Inst, XXX., 1897, p. 162. Hab. - New Zealand.

    P. SALEBROSA, Hutton, l.c., XXXI., p. 52. Hab. - New Zealand.

    P. ACORNUTA, Hutton, l.c., p. 53.

  7. CANDOVIA, Stål, l.c., pp. 12, 70. (Type - Bacteria coenosa, Gray (Hope MS.)).

    C. COENOSA, Gray; Westwood, l.c., p. 33, 71 (B. tenuis, Hope, male; B. coenosa, female, B. fragilis, larva, Hope). Hab. - North Australia.

  8. PROMACHUS, Stål, Rev. Orth., p. 17.

    P. SORDIDUS, Kirby, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., VI., p. 463; pl. 40, f. 4. Hab. - Thursday Island (N. Guinea).

  9. PHIBALOSOMA, G. R. Gray, Syn. Phas.; Stål, l.c., p. 28. (Cladoxerus, Gray, male; Cladomorphus, Gray, female; Xylodus, Sauss., female). The genus extends to India and South America.

    P. CAPRELLA, Westwood, Cat. Phas, p. 76, pl. 21, f. 3 (male). Hab. - Australia.

    P. DAVIDIS, LeGuill.; Westw., l.c., p. 77. Hab. - Solomon islands.

    P. BRITANNIÆ, Wood-Mason, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, XLVI., p. 75, 351. (P. feejeeanus, Westw.). Hab. - New Britain.

    P. APOLLONIUS, Westwood, l.c., p. 181, pl. 40, f. 4 (female). Hab. - Fiji Islands.

  10. BACTERIA, Latr.; Stål, l.c., p. 29. Most of the species of this genus have been distributed among other genera by Stål.

    B. FRENCHI, Wood-Mason, Ann. Mag. Nat. History, Fourth Series, vol. XX., 1878, p. 78. Hab ?
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  11. BACTRIDIUM, Saussure, Mel. Orth., I., 1868-71, p. 125; Stal, l.c., p. 30.

    B. COULONIANUM, Sauss., l.c., p. 128, pl. 2, f. 8. Hab. - ? Australia (? Chili).

  12. CLITARCHUS, Stål, Rev. Orth., III., p. 34, 82. (Bacteria, Bacillus, Acanthoderus, &c., auct., pars.)

    C. HOOKERI, White, Zool. "Ereb. and Terr.," p. 24, pl. 6, f. 6; Westwood, Cat. Phas., p. 14; Hutton, Tr. N.Z. Inst., 1898, p. 54. Hab. - New Zealand.

    C. COLOREUS, Colenso, Trans. N.Z. Inst., XVIII., p. 151; Hutton, l.c., 54. Hab. - New Zealand.

    C. LAEVIUSCULUS, Stål., l.c., p. 82; Hutton, l.c., p. 56. Hab. - New Zealand.

    C. REDUCTUS, Hutton, Trans. N.Z. Inst., XXXI. (1898), p. 55.

  13. ARGOSARCHUS, Hutton (Clitarchus), Trans. N.Z. Inst., XXX., 1897, p. 165; XXXI., 1898, p. 58.

    A. HORRIDUS, White, l.c., p. 24, pl. 5, f. 4; Westwood, l.c., p. 49; Hutton, l.c., 58. Hab. - New Zealand.

    A. GERHARDII, Kaup., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1866, p. 577. Hab. - Southern Island, New Zealand.

    A. SYLVATICUS, Colenso, Trans. N.Z. Inst., XIV., 1882, p. 278. Hab. - Hawke Bay, N.Z.

  14. ACROPHYLLA, Gray, Ent. Austr.; Westwood, l.c., p. 113; Stål., l.c., p. 34. (Phasma, Diura, Cyphocrania, Ctenomorpha, Dairus, Lopaphus, auct.)

    A. TITAN, Macleay, in King's Surv. Austr., II., 454; Westwood, l.c., 114. Hab. - Australia.

    A. BRIAREUS, Gray, Trans. Ent. Soc., I., p. 45; Westw., l.c., 114.

    A. CHRONUS, Gray, Syn. Phas., p. 39; Gray, Ent. Austr., I., pl. 50, f. 2.; Westw., l.c. Hab. - Australia.

    A. JAPETUS, Gray, Syn. Phas., p. 41; Gray, Ent. Austr., I., pl. 50, f. 1; Westwood, Cat. Phas., p. 114. Hab. - Melville Island (N. Australia).

    A. OSIRIS, Gray, Trans. Ent. Soc., I., p. 46; Gray, Syn. Phas., p. 40 (= spinicollis, Gray); Westwood, l.c., p. 115. Hab. - North Australia.

    A. ACHERON, Gray, l.c., p. 46, 40; Westwood, l.c., 115. Hab. - N. Australia.

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    A. MACLEAYI, Gray, Syn. Phas., p. 41; Westwood, l.c., 115. Hab. - Australia.

    A. TESSELATA, Gray, l.c., p. 44; Westwood, l.c., 115. Hab. - Queensland.

    A. SALMACIS, Westwood, l.c., p. 116, pl. 37, f. 2. Hab. - Northern Australia.

    A. VIOLASCENS, Leach, Zool. Mix., I., p. 9; Gray, Syn. Phas., p. 40; Gray, Ent. Austr., pl. 6., f. 1; pl. 7, f. 1 (roseipennis); Westwood, l.c. Hab. - Queensland (Australia).

    A. MACROTEGMA, Tepper (Lopaphus macrotegmus, Tepper), Trans. Roy. S.A., IX., 1886, p. 112, pl. vi. Hab. - South Australia.

    A. TASMANIENSIS, Lea, separate print, 1902. Hab. - Tasmania.

  15. ACANTHODYTA, Sharp, Willey's Zool. Results, 1898.

    A. SPINIVENTRIS, Sharp, l.c., p. 85. Hab. - Lifu, Fiji Islands.

  16. CTENOMORPHA (G. R. Gray), Stål., Rev. Orth., p. 35.

    CT. NIGROVARIA, Stål, l.c., III., p. 83. Hab. - Cape York, Queensland.

    CT. ALBOPUNCTATUM, Kirby, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., V I., p. 472, pl. 39. Hab. - Queensland.

  17. CYPHOCRANIA, Serville, Enc. M. X., p. 445; Stål, l.c., p. 35; Westwood, Cat. Orth., p. 106 (Eurycnema).

    C. REINWARDTII, Deliaan, Orient. Orth., p. 130, pl. 10, f. 1 (male); Westwood, l.c., p. 107. Hab. - New Guinea.

    C. GOLIATH, Gray, Trans. Ent. Soc., I., p. 45; Gray, Syn. Phas., p. 39; C. versirubra, Serv., Orth., p. 235; Westw., l.c., 107. Hab. - Java; Timor; N. Guinea; N. Australia; Queensland.

    C. PASIMACHUS, Westwood, l.c., p. 109, pl. 9, f. 5 (female). Hab. - Australia.

    C. HERCULANEA, Charpentier, Orth. pl. i. (1841), female; C. versifasciata, Serv., male (?), H. N. Orth., p. 235; Eur. aestuans, Karsch., Ent. Nachr., XXIV., p. 365; C. Hanitschi, Sharp, Willey's Zool. Res., p. 89 (1898); Brunn., Mitth. Mus. Hamb., XV., p. 4. Hab. - Java; North Australia.

  18. OPHICRANIA, Kaup, Berl. Ent. Zeitschrift, 1871.

    O. STRIATICOLLIS, Kaup, l.c., p. 38. Hab. - Australia.
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  19. ANCHIALE, Sharp, Willey's Zool. Res., 1898. (Cyphocrania maculata, auct., pars.)

    A. CONFUSA, Sharp, l.c., p. 80; Westwood, Cat. Orth., p. 111 (nov. nom. pro C. maculata, West., pars.). Hab. - Amboyna; Sandwich Islands.

    A. STOLLII, Sharp, l.c., p. 89 (C. maculata, auct. p.). Hab. - Lifu, Fiji Islands.

  20. CLEMACANTHA, Rainbow, Rec. Austr. Mus., III., 1897.

    C. REGALE, Rainbow, l. c., p. 34, pl. 9 (possibly referable to Cyphocrania herculanea, Sharp). Hab. - New South Wales; Queensland.

  21. VETILIA, Stål, Rev. Orth., III. (Cyphocrania, p.); Stål., l.c., p. 36; Westwood, l.c.

    V. ENCELADUS, Westwood, l.c., p. 108, pl. 39, f. 1, 2; Stål, l.c., p. 84. Hab. - Australia.

  22. DIURA, Gray, l.c.; Stål, l.c., p. 37.

    D. VIRGINEA, Stål, l.c., p. 84 (male). Near D. violascens. Hab. - Cape York, Queensland (N. Australia).

  23. TROPIDODERUS, Gray, Syn. Phas., p. 31; Westwood, l.c., p. 165; Stål, p. 38. (Diura, Trigonoderus.)

    T. CHILDRENI, Gray (female), T. typhæus, Gray (male), Gray, Ent. Austr., I., p. 26, pl. 3, f. 1; pl. 6, f. 2; Gray, Syn. Phas., pp. 3l, 40; Westwood, l.c., p. 165. Hab. - N.E. Australia.

    T. IODOMUS, McCoy, Prod. Zool. Vict., pl. 69, 70, f. 2, 3. Hab. - Victoria.

    T. RHODOMUS, McCoy, l.c., fig. 1. Hab. - South Australia; Victoria.

    T. DECIPIENS, Rainbow, Rec. Austr. Mus., III. Hab. - New South Wales.

  24. LYSICLES, Stål, Compt. Rend. Beig., XX., 1876.

    L. HIPPOLYTUS, Stål, l.c., Esp. nouv. Phas., p. 65. Hab. - Queensland.

  25. PODACANTHUS, Gray, Ent. Austr.; Gray, Syn. Phasm.; Westwood, l.c., 116; Stål, l.c., p. 38.

    P. TYPHON, Gray, l.c., p. 32, pl. 2, f. 1: P. unicolor, Charp., Orth., pl. 56; Westwood, l.c., p. 117. Hab. - New South Wales; Australia.

    P. VIRIDIROSEUS (Curt., M S.), Gray, l.c., p. 43; Westwood, l.c., 117. Hab. - Queensland; S. Australia.

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    P. WILKINSONI, Macleay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., VI., pp. 536, 1882. Hab. - New South Wales.

  26. VASILISSA, Kirby, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., VI., p.

    V. WALKERI, Kirby, l.c., p. 489.

  27. GIGANTOPHASMA, Sharp, Willey's Zool. Res., 1898.

    G. BICOLOR, Sharp, l.c., p. 87, pl. 7, f. 6. Hab. - Lifu, Fiji Islands.

    G. PALLIPES, Sharp, l.c., p. 88, pl. 7, f. 5. Hab. - Lifu, Fiji Islands.

  28. EXTATOSOMA, Gray, Syn. Phas.; Gray, Ent. Austr.; Westwood, Cat. Orth., p. 170; Stål, Rev. Orth. III., p. 38.

    E. TIARATUM, Macleay, King's Surv. Austr. App. II., p. 455, pl. B, f. 3, 4; Gray, l.c., p. 29; I., pl. 8, f. 1, 2; Westwood, l.c., p. 170. Hab. - N.S. Wales (Australia); New Guinea; Tasmania.

    E. BUFONIUM, Westwood, Thes. ent. Oxon., 1874, p. 174, pl. 32, f. 2. Hab. - Australia.

  29. GRÆFFEA, Brunn.; Stål, l.c., p. 40 (Lopaphus, pars.; Anophelepis, pars.)

    G. COCCOPHAGA (Gray), Westwood, l.c., p. 99; A. fulvescens, Sauss., Mel. Orth. II., p. 117, pl. 2, f. 3, 4, 1869. Hab. - Navigator Islands; Tonga; Fiji.

    G. LIFUENSIS, Sharp, Willey's Zool. Res., 1898, p. 86, pl. 7, f. 21. Hab. - Lifu, Fiji Islands.

  30. NECROSCIA, Serville, H.N., Orth., p. 250; Westwood, l.c., p. 128; l.c., p. 41.

    N. ARUANA, Westw., l.c., p. 134, pl. 39, f. 4. Hab. - Aru Islands (N. Guinea).

    N. CARTERUS, Westw., l.c., p. 138, pl. 15, f. 5. Hab. - Australia.

    N. SARPEDON, Westw., l.c., p. 138, pl. 32, f. 5; pl. 16, f. 1. Hab - Northern Australia.

    N. CURTIPES, Westwood, Cat. Orth., p. 143. Hab. - Prince of Wales Island (N. Guinea).

    N. ANNULIPES (Curt. MS.), Gray, Syn. Phas., p. 37 (Platycrania); Westw., l.c., p. 150. Hab. - India, &c.; Australia.

    N. PAPUANA, Branscik, Jahrb. nat. wiss. Ver., Trenes., XXXI., pl. 2, fig. 9. Hab. - New Guinea.

    N. DISTINCTA, Branscik, l.c. Hab. - New Guinea.
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  31. MEGACRANIA, Kaup, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr., XI. (Platycrania, Westw.).

    M. PHELAUS, Westw., Cat. Orth., p. 113, pl. 27, f. 5. New genus for this species as a type. Hab. - Fiji Islands.

  32. LOPAPHUS, Westwood, l.c., p. 99. Orxines; Stål, Rev. Orth. III., p. 43.

    L. GORGUS, Westwood, l.c., p. 102, pl. 11, f. 4. Hab. - New South Wales.

  33. ANOPHELEPIS, Westwood, l.c., p. 68. Græffea (Brunn.), Stål. (pars.), p. 40, 84. A. TELEPHORUS, Westw., l.c., p. 69, pl. 8, f. 3, 7. Hab. - Western Australia.

    A. PERIPHANES, Westw., l.c., p. 100, pl. 8, f. 2. Hab. - Australia.

    A. RHIPHEUS, Westw., l.c., p. 100, pl. 8, f. 10. Hab. - Western Australia.

  34. CHONDROSTETHUS, Kirby, Trans. Liun. Soc. Lond., VI., p. 472 (for Thrasyllus, Stål, Orth. Ins. Phil., p. 41).

    CH. WOODFORDI, Kirby, l.c., p. 455. pl. 39, f. 1, 2. Hab. - Solomon Islands.

  35. HERMARCHUS, Stål, Rev. Orth. III., p. 45, 89. (Phibalosoma, Westw., l.c., pars.)

    H. PYTHONIUS, Westwood, l.c., p. 73, pl. 35, f. 3; pl. 12, f. 1. Hab. - Fiji Islands.

  36. ASPRENAS, Stål, l.c., p. 45.

    A. FEMORATUS, Stål., l.c., p. 89. Hab. - New Caledonia.

  37. NEANTHES, Stål, l.c., p. 45.

    N. BRUNNERI, Stål, l.c., p. 90. Hab. - New Caledonia.

    NOTE. - This genus and species is stated by Brunner (Rev. Syst. Orth., 1893, p. 83) to represent the female of the preceding.

  38. KARABIDION, Montrouzier (Eurycantha, p.), Ann. Sc. Lyon, ser. 2, VII., p. 81; Stål, l.c., p. 46, 90.

    K. AUSTRALIS, Mont., l.c., p. 86; Westw., l.c., p. 65, pl. 1, f. 1, 2. Hab. - Lord Howe's Island.

  39. EURYCANTHA, Boisd., Voy. Astrolabe, Zool. Ent.; Westwood Cat. Orth., p. 62; Stål, Rev. Orth., III., p. 46.

    E. HORRIDA, Boisd., l.c., p. 647, pl. 10, f. 2; Westw., l.c., p. 63. Hab. - Dorei, N. Britain; Woodlark Is. (N. Guinea).

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    E. TYRRHAEUS, Westw., l.c., p. 64, pl. 2, f. 1. Hab. - New Hebrides; Loyalty Islands.

    E. MICRANTHA, Montr., Ann. Soc. Lyon, ser. 2, VII., p. 85; Westw., l.c., p. 64. Hab. - Woodlark Island (N. Guinea).

    E. SCORPIONIDES, Montr., l.c., suppl., p. 85; Westw., l.c., p. 64. Hab. - Woodlark Island.

    E. ROSENBERGI, Kaup, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr., XI., p. 34 (1871). Hab. - New Guinea.

    E. ECHINATA, Lucas, Bull. Soc. Ent. France, VIII., p. 163 (1878). Hab. - New Guinea.

  40. CANACHUS, Stål, l.c., p. 47.

    C. CROCODILUS, Stål, l.c., p. 90. Hab. - New Caledonia.

    C. SALAMANDRA, Stål, l.c., p. 91. Hab. - New Caledonia.

  41. DIMORPHODES, Westwood, l.c., p. 80.

    D. PROSTASIS, Westw., l.c., p. 81, pl. 34, f. 4, 5. Hab. - Aru Islands (New Guinea).

  42. HETEROPTERYX, Gray, Syn. Phas.; Westw., Cat. Orth., p. 81; Stål, Rev. Orth., III., p. 48.

    H. AUSTRALIS, Kirby, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond., VI., p. 472. Hab. - Australia.

  43. ACANTHODERUS, G.R. Gray, Syn. Phas.; Westwood, Cat. Orth., p. 48; Stål, Rev. Orth., III., p. 49. (Phasma, Bacteria, Raphiderus, Clitarchus, Sect. B., Hutton).

    A. SPINOSUS, Gray, l.c., p. 14; Westw., l.c., p. 48. Hab. - Western Australia.

    A. SPINIGER, White, Voy. "Er. and Terr.," p. 24; Westw., l.c., p. 48; Hutton, Trans. N.Z. Inst., XXX, 1897, p 164. Hab. - New Zealand (North Island ?).

    A. OCCIPITALIS, Kaup, Berl. Ent. Zeitschr., XI., 1871, p. 31. Hab. - Celebes, New Guinea. A. ATRO-ARTICULATUS, Colenso, Trans. N.Z. Inst., XVII., p. 154; Hutton, ibid, XXX, p. 164. Hab. - New Zealand.

    A. PRASINUS, Westw., l.c., p. 49, pl. 3, f. 2; Hutton, l.c., p. 164. Hab. - New Zealand (North and South Island).

    A. FILIFORMIS, Colenso, l.c., p. 153; Hutton, l.c., p. 164. Hab. - New Zealand (Hawke Bay).

    A. GEISOVII, Kaup, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1866, p. 578; Hutton, l.c., p. 165. Hab. - New Zealand (Great Barrier Is., Canterbury).

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    A. SUTERI, Hutton, l.c., XXXI, p. 56 (1898). Hab. - New Zealand (Wanganui, N. Island).

    A. FASCIATUS, Hutton, l.c., p. 58. Hab. - Great Barrier Is., N. Zealand.

  44. PYLÆMENES, Stål., Rev. Orth., III., p. 51. (Acanthoderus, West., pars.)

    P. CORONATUS, De Haan, Orth. Orient., p. 134, pl. 14, f. 4, 5; Westwood, Cat. Orth., p. 51; Stål., l.c., p. 93. Hab. - Amboyna, Ceram, Australia.

  45. METRIOTES, Westwood, l.c., p. 158; Stål, l.c., p. 60. (Platycrania, Gray, pars.)

    M. AGATHOCLES, Stål, l.c., p. 100. Hab. - (?) Australia.

  46. PRISOPUS, Stål, l.c., p. 60. (Xeroderus, Gray; Westwood, l.c., 102)

    P. KIRBYI, Gray, Syn. Phas., p. 32; Westw., l.c., pl. 31, f. 6, 7. Hab. - Australia.

  47. LEOSTHENES, Stål, l.c., p. 60.

    L. AQUATILIS, Stål, l.c., p. 102. Hab. - New Caledonia.

  48. BACILLUS, Latreille; Westw., l.c., p. 3; Stål, l.c., 61.

    B. BEECHEYI, Gray, Syn. Phas., p. 21; Burmeister, Handb, II, p. 562; Westwood, l.c., p. 12. Hab. - Sandwich Islands (Hawaii).

    B. BRUNNEUS, Gray, l.c.; Ent. Austr., pl. 7, f. 3. Hab. - Western Australia.

    B. AUSTRALIS, Charp., Orth. deser., p. 57; Westw., l. c., p 12. Hab. - Australia

    B. DOLOMEDES, Westw, Cat Orth. Ins., p. 13, pl. 5, f. 4. Hab. - Australia.

    B. PERISTHENES, Westw., l.c., p. 13, pl. 7, f. 1; pl. 8, f. 2. Hab. - Australia.

    B. PERIDROMES, Westw., l.c., p. 13, pl. 8, f. 2b, 2c. Hab. - Australia.

    B. MINIMUS, Colenso, Trans. N Z. Institute, XVII., p. 185. Hab. - (?) New Zealand.

  49. CACOMORPHA, Sharp, Willey's Zool. Res., 1898.

    C. ABERRANS, Sharp, l.c., p. 91, pl. 8, f. 12. Hab. - Lifu, Fiji Islands.
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  50. PHYLLIUM, Illiger, &c; Westwood, l.c., p. 171; Stål, l.c., p. 104. (Gryllus, Mantis, Phasma, Pteropus.)

    PH. SICCIFOLIUM, Linn., &c., Cuvier, Reg. An, pl. 79; Westwood, l.c., p. 172. Hab. - India, Java, Timor, N. Guinea.

    PH. GERYON, Gray, in Zoologist, 1843, 1., 118; De Haan, Orth. Orient., pl. 15, f. 7. Hab. - Philippine Is.; (?) New Caledonia (Mus. Adel.).

  51. CHITONISCUS, Stål, l.c., p. 62. (Phyllium, Westw., p.)

    CH. LOBIVENTRIS, Blanch., in d'Urville, Zool. Voy. Pole Sud, IV., p. 359, pl. 50, f. 9; Westw., to, p. 174, pl. 39, f. 5. Hab. - Levuka, Ovalau, Fiji Islands.

    CH. FEEJEEANUS, Sharp, Willey's Zool. Results, 1898, p. 87, pl 8, f. 14. Hab. - Fiji Islands.


No. No.
Acanthoderus 43 Græffea 29
Acanthodyta 15 Hermarchus 35
Acrophylla 14 Heteropteryx 42
Anchiale 19 Hyrtacus 4
Anophelepis 33 Karabidion 38
Argosarchus 13 Leosthenes 47
Asprenas 36 Lonchodes 2
Bacillus 48 Lopaphus (Orxines) 32
Bacteria 10 Lysicles 24
Bactridium 11 Megacrania 31
Brachyrtacus 5 Metriotes 45
Cacomorpha 49 Myronides 1
Canachus 40 Neanthes 37
Candovia 7 Necroscia 30
Chitoniscus 51 Ophicrania 18
Chondrostethus 34 Pachymorpha 6
Clemacantha 20 Phibalosoma 9
Clitarchus 1 Phyllium 50
Ctenomorpha 16 Podacanthus 25
Cyphocrania 17 Prisopus 46
Dimorphodes 41 Promachus 8
Diura 22 Pylæmenes 44
Dixippus 3 Tropidoderus 23
Eurycantha 39 Vasilissa 26
Extatosoma 28 Vetilia 21
Gigantophasma 27

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