Common Name:
Delete this section if there is no common name.
Note any distinguishing features.
Male: subfiliformis; prothorace scabro; mesothorace scaberrimo.
Long. corp. male 5'' 5'''.
Female: cylindrica; pro et mesothorace scaberrimis; maris tegminibus
brunneis in medio nigro-maculatis, margine anteriori flavo-viridi,
fœminæ flavescenti-viridibus, margine posteriori
nigro; alis nigrescentibus, albo-maculatis; areâ costali
viridescenti-testaceâ, maculis nigris; foliolis duobus brevissimis,
latis, apice dilatatis; pedibus anticis lineis elevatis striatis,
quatuor posterioribus subtùs spinosis. -
Long. corp. female 7''.
volant; male and female macropterous
et al 1998)
Note parental placement of eggs.
Note appearance of eggs.
Note any common variations.
Canopy, mid, under, etc.
Note typical vegetation, e.g.
tropical rainforest, temperate rainforest,
alpine, etc.
Similar Species:
Rearing Notes:
Note if this species has ever been reared.
Note any suggestions for successful rearing.
For a stick insect with body length 152mm, to keep 2 adult females,
you need a cage at least 700mm high, 300mm deep and 300mm wide.
NE coastal, SE coastal, QLD, NSW
It is not known if this species is endangered,
as there is insufficient sighting history.
Balderson, J., Rentz,
D.C.F. and Roach, A.M.E. (1998).
Houston, W.K.K. & Wells, A. (1998) (eds)
Zoological Catalogue of Australia.
Vol. 23.
Archaeognatha, Zygentoma, Blattodea, Isoptera, Mantodea, Dermaptera,
Phasmatodea, Embioptera, Zoraptera.
Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing, Australia (ISBN 0643 06035 9).
pp. 347 - 376.
Gray, G.R. (1835).
‘Synopsis of the Species of Insects Belonging to
the Family of Phasmidae.’ 48pp.
(Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green and Longman: London.)
Hughes, L., 1996.
When an Insect is more like a Plant.
Nature Australia, 25(4): 30-38
Rainbow, W.J. (1897).
Catalogue of the described Phasmidae of Australia.
Records of the Australian Museum, 3(2), 37-44.
[Note that he made a mistake re Extatosoma popa and E. tiaratum
according to
Gurney, A.B. (1947).
Notes on some remarkable Australasian walkingsticks, including a
synopsis of the Genus Extatosoma (Orthoptera: Phasmatidae).
Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 40(3): 373-396.
Tepper, J.G.O. (1902).
List of the Described Genera and Species of the Australian and Polynesian
Phasmidæ (Spectre-Insects).
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 26: 278-287.
Vickery, V.R. (1983).
Catalogue of Australian stick insects (Phasmida,
Phasmatodea, Phasmatoptera, or Cheleutoptera). CSIRO
Australian Division of Entomology Technical Paper, No. 20, 15 pp.
- Search Google for
Vetilia enceladus,
or search Google Scholar for
Vetilia enceladus.
Copyright © 2000-2003
Peter Miller
This page was last changed 20-Sep-2006.