Friends of Saint Helena Crater
Known Weeds
Here is a map of the crater and surrounds.
It is a scan of the Penrith 1:25000 topo,
with additional 100m and 50m graticule added.
We will update it as we map the weed locations,
and as we make progress.
The following weeds are known to occur in the crater:
- Balloon Vine, Cardiospermum grandiflorum
- Blackberry, Rubus fruticosus agg.
- Black Willow, Salix nigra
- identification
- NSW DPI Management Guide (PDF)
- BMCC Guide to Identification and Control?
- BMCC Weed Control Plan?
- NSW DPIE Noxious Weed Declaration?
- NSW DPI Management Guide?
- National Strategic Plan?
- NPWS Control Plan?
- search Google for black willow
- Cobbler's Pegs, Bidens pilosa
- Identification?
- NSW DPIE Noxious Weed Deeclaration?
- BMCC Guide to Identification and Control?
- BMCC Weed Control Plan?
- NSW DPIE Noxious Weed Declaration?
- NSW DPI Management Guide?
- National Strategic Plan?
- NPWS Control Plan?
- search Google for bidens pilosa
- Moth Vine, Araujia sericifera
- “like choko but without the redeeming features”
- Identification (
- NSW DPIE Noxious Weed Deeclaration?
- BMCC Guide to Identification and Control?
- BMCC Weed Control Plan?
- NSW DPIE Noxious Weed Declaration?
- NSW DPI Management Guide?
- National Strategic Plan?
- NPWS Control Plan?
- Sutherland Shire Council Weed Facts (PDF)
- search Google for moth vine
See Also
Copyright © 2008 Peter Miller
Some rights reserved.
These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial Share
Alike 3.0 License. You may use this material
if you fully comply with the license conditions.
This page has been accessed approximately
times since 2008-Aug-27.