This is the subject of on-going research, and will improve over time. Don't expect too much at this stage.
(This is tricky, because there is no agreed key for identification of Phasmatodea. Also, the language of identification keys is frequently inaccessible to the general public.)
It appears common to use the taxonomy and keys of Bradley & Galil (1977) in international circles. This work is not well regarded by Australian taxonomists, who prefer Key (1991), which was developed from Günther (1953). This Guide must, by definition, follow the Australian literature.
1. |
Middle and hind tibiae with sunken areola on underside
of apices Suborder Areolatae | 3 |
- |
Middle and bind tibiae without sunken areola on underside
of apices Suborder Anareolatae | 2 |
2. | Antennae filiform and indistinctly segmented, especially beyond middle, longer than fore femora and often longer than body length; if shorter than fore femora and distinctly jointed, then ventral edge of all femora smooth; ventral carina of middle and hind femora not evenly serrated, usually only with few distal teeth or unarmed | Heteronemiidae |
- | Antennae powerful and distinctly segmented, usually shorter than fore femora, and then female femora are distinctly serrated dorsobasally, or longer than fore femora, but never as long as body, and then ventral carina of middle and hind femora distinctly and evenly serrated | Phasmatidae |
3. | Tarsi clearly 5-segmented | 4 |
- | Tarsi apparently 3-segmented; complete mesonotum not more closely attached to the metanotum than to succeeding tergum; legs so attached ventrally that coxae cannot be seen from above; apterous; tarsal claws slightly asymmetrical; large arolium produced as far as apex of longer tarsal claw | Timematidae |
4. | First abdominal segment as long as or longer than metanotum and fused with it | 5 |
- | First abdominal segment shorter than metanotum and not fused with it; apterous | Bacillidae |
5. | Antennae long in both sexes; metanotum longer than wide, not leaf-like; margins of abdomen without lateral outgrowths | Pseudophasmatidae |
- | Antennae of female barely as long as head, those of male longer and bristly; metanotum not longer than wide; leaf-like, margins of abdomen strongly foliaceously dilated; leaf-like dilations also on femora and sometimes tibiae; elytra of female covering almost entire abdomen, those of male scarcely longer than thorax | Phylliidae |
1. | Celles qui n'ont point de corne sur la tête, et dont les antennes sont simples dans les deux sexes, composent seules le genre des mantes du même naturaliste. Tantôt les ailes sont horizontales. | Those which do not have a horn on the head, and whose antennas are simple in the two sexes, make only the kind of the mantis of the same naturalist. | Mantis |
- | Les autres ont les pieds antérieurs semblables aux suivans, les yeux lisses, très-peu distincts ou nuls; le premier segment du tronc plus court ou de longueur au plus du suivant, les divisions intérieures de la languette plus courtes que les latérales, les antennes inserées devant les yeux, et la tête presque ovoïde et avancée, avec des mandibules épaisses et les palpes comprimés. | The others have the former feet similar to the suivans, the smooth eyes, distinct or null very little; the first segment of the shorter trunk or length to more of the following, interior divisions of the strip shorter than the side ones, antennas inserted in front of the eyes, and the almost ovoid and advanced head, with thick mandibles and the compressed palpi. |
Spectrum Stoll 2 |
2. | Les espèces dont le corps est filiforme ou linéaire, semàblable à un bâton. Plusieurs sont tout-à-fait privées d'ailes ou ont des étuis fort courts. | Those species whose body is thread-like or linear, resembling a stick. Several are completely without wings or have extremely short tegmen. |
Phasma Fabricius |
- | Les espèces dont le corps est très-aplati et membraneux, ainsi que les pieds. | The species whose body is very flattened and membranous, as well as the feet. |
Phyllium Illiger |
Copyright © 2000-2003
Peter Miller
This page was last changed 20-Sep-2006. |
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