Hyrtacus tuberculatus Stål, 1875

Common Name:

Delete this section if there is no common name.


Length: Coloring: Note any distinguishing features.

male and female apterous

lives amongst dead twigs of shrubs in the mountains of central Australia, where it is easily overlooked during the day. After dark, individuals become active and are easily spotted, even in a shrub consisting mostly of dead twigs and stems.

Note parental placement of eggs. Note appearance of eggs. Note any common variations.


Note if the species arborial or terrestrial. Canopy, mid, under, etc.


Similar Species:

Rearing Notes:

Note if this species has ever been reared. Note any suggestions for successful rearing.


N coastal, N Gulf, W plateau, Lake Eyre basin, NE coastal, Murray-Darling basin, S Gulfs, QLD, NT, WA, NSW, SA


It is not known if this species is endangered, as there is insufficient sighting history.


Copyright © 2000-2003 Peter Miller
This page was last changed 20-Sep-2006.
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