Phyllium siccifolium (Linnaeus, 1758)

Common Name:

Delete this section if there is no common name.


Length: Coloring: Note any distinguishing features.
Caput: nutans, maxillosum, palpis quatuor ad maxillas. Antennæ setaceæ. Alæ deflexæ: superiores flexiles, submembranaceæ. Pedes: saltatorii plerisque.
Thorax elongatus, sublinearis. Pedes antici remotissimi a reliquis.
Thorace denticulato, femoribus ovatis membranaceis. Abdomen ovatum, membranaceo-planum. Elytra virescentia, facie foliorum lauri, parallela. (from Linnaeus 1758)
Head: bent down, maxillosum, palps not near maxillas. Antennæ gradually tapering to the tip. Wings: turned aside, upper part pliant, almost thin. Tarsi: generally adapted for leaping.
Thorax elongated, almost straight. Anterior tarsi have the terminal segment shortened.
The thorax has tubercles, the femurs have thin expansions. The abdomen has thin flat expansions, the fore wings are green, the face has parallel leaves on the crown. (Tentative translation by P.Miller.)

Viride; (capite thoraceque brunneis); alis albido-hyalinis. - Long. ant. male corp. 2'' 8'''. Exp. alar. 3'' 8'''. female Long. corp. 4'' 2'''. Exp. corp. 4½'''. - Long. corp. 3'' 5'''. Exp. corp. 1'' 2'''. - Long. corp. 3'' 3'''. Exp. corp. 1'' 6'''. - Long. corp. 3'' 2''' *. Exp. corp. 1'' 7½'''. (from Gray 1835)

male and female brachypterous (from Balderson et al 1998)

Note parental placement of eggs. Note appearance of eggs. Note any common variations.



Note typical vegetation, e.g. tropical rainforest, temperate rainforest, grasslands, alpine, etc.

Similar Species:

Notes on Rearing:

Note if this species has ever been cultivated. Note any suggestions for successful husbandry.

PSG notes indicate the following foodplants have been used successfully in captivity: Bramble, Oak.

For a stick insect with body length 106mm, to keep 2 adult females, you need a cage at least 500mm high, 250mm deep and 250mm wide.


NE coastal QLD

Extralimital: India, SE Asia.


The australian representatives of this species may be extinct. (Balderson, 1998)


Phasmid Study Group

This is PSG species 76.

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Copyright © 2000-2003 Peter Miller
This page was last changed 20-Sep-2006.
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