Roesel von Rosenhof, August Johann (1741).
Der monatlich herausgegebene Insecten-Belustigung.
Nürnberg: Selbstverl.
[Vol. 2]
[Wanted for Phyllium siccifolium, t. 17. f. 4, 5.
Cited by Linnaeus
There could have been a facsimile edition by E. Bauer in 1985.]
Olivier, A.G. (1792).
Mante., pp. 619-643, in,
Encyclopédie Méthodique.
Introduction l'histoire naturelle.
Insectes (vol. 7).
Paris: Panekoucke, Vols. 1-9.
[Wanted for: Anchiale maculata.
AMSA R.B. 78B7 comp.]
Illiger, J.K.W. (1798).
'Verzeichnis der Kafer Preussens von J. Kugelann.' 511 pl. (Gebauer: Halle.)
[Wanted for Genus Phyllium.]
Lichtenstein, A.A.H. (1802).
A dissertation on two Natural Genera hitherto
confounded under the Name of Mantis.
Transactions of the Linnaean Society of London, 6: 1-39, 2 pl.
[Wanted for Anchiale maculata (as Phasma naevium).
Latreille, P.A. (1807).
Genera Crustaceorum et Insectorum
Stoll, C. (1813).
'Representation exactment coloree d'apres nature
des Spectres ou Phasmes, des Mantes rassembles et decrites par Casper
Stoll.' Amsterdame: 42pp.
[Wanted for Anchiale maculata (as Phasma necydaloides).]
Leach, W.E. (1815).
Order phasmida
The Zoological Miscellany: being Descriptions of
New or interesting Animals. Vol. 2. (London),
pp. unknown.
[Wanted for: Order phasmida.]
Thunberg, C.P. (1815).
Hemipterorum Maxillosorum
Genera illustrata plusimisque novis speciebus ditata ac
Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 5: 211-301, pl. III.
Latreille, P.A. (1825).
Famillies naturelles du règne Animal.
Paris. 570 p.
Latreille, P.A. (ed.) (1825).
Encyclopédie Méthodique. Histoire Naturelle.
Entomologie, ou Histoire Naturelle des Crustacés, des Arachnides
et des Insectes. Paris: Agasse Vol. 10 Pt 1, pp. 100-101
[AMSA R.B. 78B10 comp.]
Curtis, J. (pre-1835.)
Gray 1835
cites ``Curtis MSS'', however P. Brock thinks this is likely to be
pers. comm. regarding potential names, and may be in the letters
collection in the British Library.
Wanted for Phasma viridirosea and Phasma tessulata.
Brull A. M. 1836.
Histoire naturelle des Insectes. IX. Orth.
Le Peletier de Saint Fargeau, A., and Audinet-Serville, J.G. (1828).
In Latreille, PA., Le Peletier de Saint Fargeau, Audinet-Serville,
J.G. and Guerin-Meneville, In Latreille, P.A. (Ed.) Encycl. Meth.
Hist. Nat. Ent. Tome 10 [probably]; p. 446.
[Wanted for Genus Bacillus.]
Boisduval, J.A. (1835).
Faune entomologique de l'Océan Pacifique, avec
l'illustration des Insectes nouveaux, recueillis pendant le voyage de
l'Astrolabe, Vol. 2 (Orth.), 267-716.
[Wanted for genus Eurycantha.]
Hope, Rev W.J. (pre-1835).
Gray 1835
cites ``Hope MSS'', however P. Brock thinks this is likely to be
pers. comm. regarding potential names, and may be in the letters
collection in the British Library.
Wanted for
Bacillus squalidus, Bacteria coenosa, Bacteria
fragilis, Genus Bacillus.
Brullé, M. A. (1836).
Orthoptera, pp. 1-230.
In Audouin, M. V. and Brullé, M. A.,
Histoire Naturelle des Insectes,
vol. 9, 415 pp., ill. Paris.
Fischer von Waldeim, G. (1837).
Sur les Spectres ou Phasmides. Famille d'Orthopteres.
Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, no. 6, 3-18.
Audinet-Serville, J.G. (1838).
Histoire Naturelle des Insects. 0rthopteres. Suite a Buffon.
Paris: Librairie Encyclopedique de Roret, i-xviii + 1-776, Atlas pl. 1-14.
[Wanted for:
Pachimorpha simplicipes,
Genus Eurycnema,
Genus Necroscia]
Burmeister, H. C. C. (1838).
Handbuch der Entomologie. Berlin: T.C.F. Enslin Vol. 2(2) 1050 pp.
Griffith, Pidgeon, and Gray. 1839 (?).
Animal Kingdom.
translation of
Cuvier, G.L.C.F.D. (1817).
Le Régne animal distribué d'après son Organisation,
pour servir de Base à l'Histoire naturelle des Animaux et d'Introduction
à l'Anatomie comparée. Five volumes. Paris.
[AMSA R.B., wanted for Phyllium siccifolium, plate 79]
Le Guillou, E.J.F. (1841).
description des Orthopteres nouveaux,
recueillis pendant son voyage de circumnavigation sur la Corvette
Zelee. Rev. Zool. (Paris), 1841, 292-5.
Hann, W. de (1842).
Bijdragen tot de Kennis der Orthoptera. In Temminck,
CL., Verhandl. Nat Geschied. Nederl. overz. Bezitt., 2, Zool., Leiden,
pp. 45-248, pls. 10-23.
Newport, G. (1844).
On the reproduction of lost parts in Myriapoda and insects.
Phil. Trans. R. Soc., 138, 288, pl. 14.
[Wanted for: Graeffea coccophaga.]
Charpentier, T. (1845).
'Orthoptera descripta et depicta.' ii 1 vi +
120 pp., 60 pl. (Lipsiae: Leipzig.)
[Tepper 1902
says year is 1841.
Wanted for:
Arphax australis,
Podacanthus unicolor.]
Montrouzier (Xavier) (1855).
Essai sur la faune de l'île de Woodlark ou
Mouiou: Entomologie.
Ann. Society Agricultural Lyon, (2)7(1), 1-114.
[Wanted for: Dryococelus australis.]
Westwood, J.O. (1859).
'Catalogue of Orthopterous Insects in the
Collection of the British Museum. Part I. Phasmidae.' pp. 1-184, 40 +
8 pl. (British Museum: London.)
[Wanted for:
Acanthomima periphanes,
Acanthomima rhipheus,
Acrophylla titan,
Anophelepis telesphorus,
Arphax dolomedes,
Ctenomorpha caprella,
Ctenomorpha salmacis,
Echetlus peristhenes,
Haaniella grayii,
Hyrtacus eutrachelia,
Hyrtacus peridromes,
Megacrania alpheus (?),
Mesaner sarpedon,
Onchestus gorgus,
Onchestus pasimachus,
Pachymorpha pasithoe,
Sipyloidea carterus,
Genus Palophus,
Genus Anophelepis,
Bates (1865).
Transactions of the Linnaean Society of London. xxv.
[Wanted for: Podacanthus viridiroseus.]
Kaup, J.J. (1866).
Description of two new species of the genus Bacillus, Latr.
Proceedings of the Zoological Society, London: 577-578.
Brunner von Wattenwyl, K. (1868).
Reisen im Innern der Insel Viti Levu
von Dr Graeffe.
Naturf Gesellsch. Zurich, 70: 46.
Saussure, H.L.F. de (1869).
Melanges orthopterologiques. lime fascicule Blattides at Phasmides.
Mem. Soc. Geneve, 20: 47-149.
[Wanted for Genus Baculum.]
Kaup, J.J. (1871a).
Ueber die Eier der Phasmiden.
Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift,
15: 17-24, pl. 1.
[Mentioned by Brock
2002, wanted for Extatosoma tiaratum eggs pictured. May be found in AMSA
Entomology section.]
Brunner von Wattenwyl, K. (1875?)
Recensio Orthopterorum, III (?).
Mitth. Mus. Hamb., XV., p. 4.
[Cited by Tepper 1902].
Wanted for Genus Graeffea p. 40 (?) p. 46 (?)]
Stål, C. (1875a).
Recherches sur le Systeme des Phasmides.
Bihang. Svensk Vet-Akad. Handl., 2(17), 1-19.
[Wanted for:
Genus Anchiale,
Genus Arphax,
Genus Carausius,
Genus Clitarchus,
Genus Echetlus,
Genus Hyrtacus,
Genus Hermarchus,
Genus Vetilia,
Clitarchus laeviusculus,
Hyrtacus tuberculatus.]
Stål, C. (1875b).
Observations Orthopterologiques. I. Sur
une systemation nouvelle des Phasmides.
Bihang. Svensk Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handl., 3(14), 3-43.
Stål, C. (1875c).
'Recensio Orthopterorum.' Vol. 3, pp. 4-105. (Norstedt &
Soner: Stockholm.)
Stål, C. (1877).
Especes nouvelles de Phasmides.
C.R. Ann. Soc. Entomol. Belg., 20, lxii-lxviii.
[Wanted for:
Carausius mercurius,
Lysicles hippolytus,
Vetilia thoon,
Genus Eubulides,
Genus Lysicles,
Genus Onchestus.]
Wood-Mason, J. (1877).
On a small collection of Orthopterous Insects of
the Families Phasmidae and Mantidae from Australia and New Britain with
Descriptions of four new Species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.
(4)20: 74-5.
Stål, C. (1876).
Compt. Rend. Belg., XX.
[Referenced by Tepper 1902 re genus
McCoy, F. (1882).
'Natural History of Victoria. Prodromus of the Zoology
of Victoria; or, Figures and Descriptions of the Living Species of
all Classes of the Victorian Indigenous Animals.' Vol. 1, Decade 37,
pls 69-70. (Government Printer: Melbourne.)
[Wanted for:
Podacanthus typhon,
Tropidoderus rhodomus.]
Tepper, J.G.O. (1887).
Description of a supposed new species of Phasmidæ.
Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia,
9 (1885-86): 112-113, pl. vi.
[Published March, 1887.]
[I already have the text of this one, but I need plate VI.]
Kirby, W.F. (1888).
Insects of Christmas Island.
Proc. Zool. Soc. London
[Wanted for: Baculum stilpnoides.]
Etheridge, R. (1889.)
The general zoology of Lord Howe Island.
Austral. Mus. Mem. 2, pp. 1-42.
Olliff, A.S. (1889).
The insect fauna of Lord Howe Island.
Austral. Mus. Mem., 2, pp. 75-98, ill.
[Wanted for Dryococelus australis.]
Olliff, A.S. (1891).
Title Unknown.
Agricultural Gazette of N.S.W.
[Cited by Froggatt (1905), who talks about Podacanthus wilkinsoni.]
Brunner von Wattenwyl, K. (1893).
Revision du systeme des
Orthopteres et description des especes rapportees par M. Leon Fea di
Birmanie. Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Genova (2)13: 1-230.
[Wanted for Genus Platycraninae, Genus Sipyloidea]
Sharp, David. (1895).
Insects, Pt. 1, pp. 83-565, ill. In Cambridge
Natural History, vol. 5, pp. i-xi, 1-584. London.
Kirby, W.F. (1896).
On some new or rare Phasmidae in the Collection of
the British Museum.
Transactions of the Linnaean Society of London,
(2)6(6), 447-75, pl. xxxix + xl.
[Wanted for: Carausius insularis, Megacrania batesii,
Neopromachus sordidus, Staelonchodes nigropunctatus,
Vasilissa walkeri, Genus Vasilissa, Subfamily
Tepper, J.G.O. (1896).
'Report on the Work of
the Horn Scientific Expedition to Central Australia. Part 2,
Zoology'. (Ed. B. Spencer.) pp. 357-79.
Sharp, D. (1898).
Account of the Phasmidae,
with notes on the eggs. pp. 75-94 pls vii-ix in Willey, A. (ed.)
Zoological Results, Based on Material from New Britain, New Guinea,
Loyalty Islands and elsewhere, collected during 1895, 1896 and 1897.
Cambridge: University Press
[I actually have the text of this one, and plates VII and VIII, but
I'm looking for plate IX which was missing from the reprint I
photocopied. From the number of figures, I suspect it was on a fold-out
sheet which had been lost at an earlier date.]
Hanitsch, R. 1902.
On the parthenogenetic breeding of Eurycnema herculeana Charpentier.
J. R. Asiatic Soc. Straits Branch38: 35-38
[Cited by Bedford,
1976 and Bedford,
1978. This is a synonym of Eurycnema goliath.]
Jacobson, C.C.R. and Bianchi, V.L. (1902).
Orthoptera and Pseudoneuroptera of the Russian Empire.
St. Petersb. 432 p.
[Wanted for Order Phasmatodea p. 59.]
Kirby, W.F. (1904).
Notes on Phasmidae in the Collection of the British
Museum (Natural History) South Kensington, with descriptions of New
Species. Nos I & II.
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7)13: 372-377, 429-449.
[Wanted for: Eubulides spuria, Eurycantha sifia,
Subfamily Eurycanthinae, Genus Acanthomima, Genus
Didymuria, Genus Haaniella, Genus Phylliinae,
Genus Staelonchodes.]
Kirby, W.F. (1904).
Notes on Phasmidae in the Collection of the British
Museum (Natural History) South Kensington, with descriptions of New
Species. Nos I & II.
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7)13: 372-377, 429-449.
[Wanted for: Eubulides spuria, Eurycantha sifia,
Subfamily Eurycanthinae, Genus Acanthomima, Genus
Didymuria, Genus Haaniella, Genus Phylliinae,
Genus Staelonchodes.]
Rehn, J.A.G. (1904).
Studies in the Orthopterous Family Phasmidae.
Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 56: 38-107.
[Wanted for: Subfamily Lonchodinae.]
Redtenbacher, J. (1906).
In Brunner von Wattenwyl, K. & Redtenbacher, J.,
Die Insektenfamilie der Phasmiden.
Lfg 1: Phasmidae areolatae.
Leipzig: Verlag Engelmann 180 pp. 6 pls
[Wanted for: Nanophyllium pygmaeum, Genus Nanophyllium.]
Froggatt, W.W. (1907).
Australian Insects.
Pp. i-xiv, 1-449, 37 pls. Sydney.
[Referenced by
Froggatt (1921)
Froggatt (1922).]
Brunner von Wattenwyl, K. (1907).
In Brunner von Wattenwyl, K. & Redtenbacher, 1. (1907).
Die Insektenfamilie der Phasmiden. Lfg 2: Phasmidae anareolatae
(Clitumnini, Lonchodini, Bacunculini). Leipzig: Verlag Engelmann,
pp. 181-340 pls vii-xv
[Wanted for:
Arphax signatus,
Carausius australicus,
Carausius macerrimus,
Clitarchus longipesHyrtacus imitans,
Lonchodes longiceps,
Parasipyloidea aberrata,
Parasipyloidea annulata,
Parasipyloidea granulosa,
Parasipyloidea ignotus,
Parasipyloidea spurcata,
Parasipyloidea tener]
Brunner von Wattenwyl. K. & Redtenbacher, J. (1908).
Die lnsetzenfamilie der Phasmiden. Lfg 3: (Schluss: Phasmidae
anareolatae (Phibalosomini, Acrophylini, Necrosciini). Leipzig: Verlag
Engelmann pp. 339-589 12 pls [538].
[Wanted for: Acrophylla ligula]
Redtenbacher, J.
In Brunner von Wattenwyl, K. & Redtenbacher, J. (1908).
Die Insektenfamilie der Phasmiden. Lfg 3: (Schluss: Phasmidae
anareolatae (Phibalosomini, Acrophylini, Necrosciini). Leipzig: Verlag
Engelmann pp. 339-589
[Wanted for:
Acrophylla ligula,
Acrophylla wuelfingi,
Austroclonistria serrulata,
Ctenomorphodes aliena,
Hermarchus polynesicus,
Parasipyloidea cercata,
Parasipyloidea strumosa,
Parasosibia australica,
Paronchestus charon,
Phyllium frondosum,
Sipyloidea filiformis,
Genus Anasceles,
Genus Austroclonistria,
Genus Mesaner,
Genus Parasipyloidea,
Genus Parasosibia,
Genus Paronchestus.]
Hahn, D.E. (1912).
A list of the designated type specimens in the Macleay
Museum. Univ. Sydney, Macleay Museum, mimeo. Publ., vii + 184 pp.
Werner, F. (1912).
Mantodea und Phasmodea. pp. 47-56. In (Michaelson, W. &
Hartmeyer, R. (eds) Die Fauna Sudwest-Australiens. Jena Verlag
Gustav Fischer Vol. 4
[Wanted for:
Arphax michaelseni,
Denhama aussa,
Tropidoderus michaelseni,
Genus Denhama.]
Sjöstedt, Y. (1918).
Results of Dr E. Mjoberg's Swedish Scientific
Expeditions to Australia 1910-1913. 17. Mantidae and Phasmidae.
Ark. Zool., 11(19), 1-61, 1 pl.
[Wanted for:
Cooktownia planaHyrtacus carinata,
Hyrtacus striatus,
Marcenia gracilis,
Malandania pulchra,
Malandella queenslandica,
Parasipyloidea pallida,
Scionecra queenslandica,
Sipyloidea gracilipes,
Tropidoderus gracilifemur,
Tropidoderus prasina,
Genus Cooktownia,
Genus Malandania,
Genus Malandella,
Genus Marcenia.]
Karny, H.H. (1923).
Zur Nomenklatur der Phasmoiden.
Treubia, 3: 230-42.
[Wanted for: Genus Ctenomorphodes Genus Scionecra, Subfamily
Pachymorphinae, Subfamily Phasmatinae.]
Günther, K. (1931).
Beitrage zur Systematik und Geschichte der Phasmoiden fauna Ozeaniens.
Mitteilungen aus dem Zoolog. Museum in Berlin17(6), 753-835.
[I have this one, I have yet to scan it.]
Sjöstedt, Y. (1933).
Orthopterentypen im Naturhistorischen
Reichsmuseum zu Stockholm. 7. Phasmidae.
Ark. Zool., 25A(16), 1-10.
Günther, K. (1934).
Phasmoiden und Forficuliden von Java, den Kleinen
Sundainseln and Nordaustralien.
Rev. Suisse Zool., 41(34), 525-43.
Chopard, L. (1938).
La Biologie des Orthoptères. Encyclopédie
Entomologique, XX, pp. 1-541, ill. Paris: P. Lechevalier.
[Wanted for Dryococelus australis.]
Roberts, H. Radclyffe. (1941 or 1944?).
Nomenclature in the Orthoptera concerning genotype designations.
Amer. Ent. Soc. Trans., vol. 67, pp. 1-34.
[Cited by
Gurney, A.B. (1947).
Notes on some remarkable Australasian walkingsticks, including a
synopsis of the Genus Extatosoma (Orthoptera: Phasmatidae).
Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 40(3): 373-396.
Discusses the origins of the name Phasmatidae, p. 16.]
Essig, E.O. (1942).
College Entomology.
New York.
[Wanted for: Podacanthus wilkinsoni,
cited by Clark, 1976]
McKeown, K.C. (1942).
Australian Insects. An Introductory Handbook.
Royal Zoological Society. N.S.W., Sydney, 1nd rev. ed.
McKeown, K.C. (1944).
Australian Insects. An Introductory Handbook.
Royal Zoological Society. N.S.W., Sydney, 2nd rev. ed. (pp. 43-47).
Chopard, L. (1949).
Ordre des Cheleutopteres Crampton, 1915 (= Phasmopteres Jeannel, 1947).
pp. 594-616. in Grasse, P.P. (ed.) Traite de Zoologie.
Anatomie, systematique, biologie. Vol. 9 Insectes. Paris: Masson & Cie
Moscona, A. (1950).
Studies on the egg of Bacillus libanicus. I. The egg envelopes.
Q. J. Microsc. Sci.91: 183-93
[Cited by Bedford,
Wigglesworth, V.B., Beament, J.W.L. (1950).
The respiratory mechanisms of some insect eggs.
Q. J. Microsc. Sci.91: 429-52
[Cited by Bedford,
Richards, M. (1952).
An enemy of our eucalypt forests. The plague phasmid -
Podacanthus wilkinsoni Macl.
Tech. Notes N.S.W. For. Comm. Div. Wood Tech. No. 6. pp. 11-16.
Günther, K. (1953).
Über die taxonomische Gliederung und die geographische Verbreitung der
Insektenordnung de Phasmatodea.
Beit. Entomol.3(5): 541-563.
[Wanted for Genus Xeroderinae.]
Casimir and Edwards (1955).
Title unknown. Subject: Mortality studies of Podacanthus wilkinsoni.
Unpublished report, Forestry Commission N.S.W.
[Cited by
Hadlington, P.W., and Hoschke, F. (1959).
Observations on the ecology of the
phasmatid Ctenomorphodes tessulata (Gray).
Proceedings of the Linnaean Society of New South Wales.84(2): 152-158
[I already have this one, except for plates 5 and 6, and possibly
page 159 (references). He also refers to figure 3 in the text, but none
appears in my copy; it may be on page 159.]
Ragge, D.R. (1955).
The wing-venation of the order Phasmida.
Trans. R. Entomol. Soc. London, 106: 375-92, 12 Figs.
Riek, E.F. (1955).
Australian cleptid egg parasites of Cresmododea.
Australian Journal of Zoolofy3: 118-30
[Cited by Bedford,
Wegner, A. (1955).
Biological notes on Megacrania wegneri Willemse and
M. alpheus Westwood.
Treubia23: 47-52
[Cited by Bedford,
Günther, K. (1956).
Phasmatoptera. pp. 87-93 in Hanstrom, B., Brinck, P. & Rudebeck,
G. (eds) South African Animal Life. Results of the Lund University
Expedition in 1950-1951. Stockholm Almqvist & Wikséll Vol. 3
Shepherd, K.R. 1957.
Defoliation of alpine ash (Eucalyptus delegatensis)
by phasmids - silvicultural and management problems.
Brit. Commonw. For. Conf. NSW 18 pp.
[Cited by Bedford,
Beier, M. (1957).
Orthopteroidea. Ordnung Cheleutoptera Crampton, 1915. pp. 305-454
in Bronn, H.G. Kiassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs.
Vol. 6(5)(3) Leipzig Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Geest &
Portig K.-G.
Campbell, K. G. 1959.
[Something] of Research into Stick Insect Problem in N.S.W.
Aust. For., 23(1): 19-23
Hadlington, P.W., and Hoschke, F. (1959).
Observations on the ecology of the
phasmatid Ctenomorphodes tessulata (Gray).
Proceedings of the Linnaean Society of New South Wales.84(2): 152-158
[I already have this one, except for plates 5 and 6, and possibly
page 159 (references). He also refers to figure 3 in the text, but none
appears in my copy; it may be on page 159.]
Key, K.H.L. (1960).
Proposed addition of certain generic and specific names in the Family
Phasmatidae (Class Insecta, Order Phasmatodea) to the Official Lists
and Indexes. ZN. (S) 1167.
Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature17: 235-240.
Banerjee, SK., and Kevan, D.K.McE. (1960).
A preliminary revision of the Genus Arractomorpha Saussure, 1862
(Orthoptera: Acridoidea: Pyrgomorphidae).
Treubia25, 165-89.
Campbell, K. G. 1960.
Preliminary studies in population estimation of two species of
stick insects occurring in plague numbers in highland forest
areas of south-eastern Australia.
Proc. Linn. Soc. NSW85: 121-41
[Cited by Bedford,
Campbell, K. G. 1960.
Forest Insect [something] in NSW [something],
Hadlington, P.W., and Shipp, E. (1961).
Diapause and parthenogenesis in the eggs of three species of Phasmatodea.
Proc. Linn. Soc. NSW, 86: 268-79
[Cited by Bedford,
1978, cited by Key 1974 re Ctenomorphodes tessulatus.]
International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (1962).
Opinion 641. Addition of certain generic and specific names in the
Family Phasmatidae (Insecta, Phasmatodea) to the Official Lists and
Indexes. Bull. Zool. Nomencl., 19: 274-9.
Newman, R.L., Endacott, N.D. (1962).
The control of a phasmatid insect plague in the forested catchment
of the Kiewa hydro-electric scheme.
Aust. For.26: 6-21
[Cited by Bedford,
Paramonov, S.J. (1963).
Lord Howe Island, a riddle of the Pacific, Part III,
Pacific Science, 17: 361-373, 8 figs.
[Wanted for Dryococelus australis, cited by
Smithers 1969.]
International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature (1964).
Opinion 716. Phasmatidae Gray, 1835 (Insecta, Phasmatodea) added to the
Official List of Family-group Names.
Bull. Zool. Nomencl., 21: 420-1.
Newman, R.L. (1964).
Phasmatid insect plague control in the Kiewa hydro-electric
works catchment, Victoria, Australia.
State Electricity Commission of Victoria, Melbourne,
80 pp.
[Cited by Bedford,
Campbell, K. G. 1964.
Symposium on In[something]ally Pa[something]on
Tree Diseases and Insects
Oxford 20-30 July 1964
Heather, N.W. (1965).
Occurrence of Cleptidae parasites in eggs of Ctenomorphodes
tessulatus (Gray) in Queensland.
Journal of the Entomological Society of Queensland4: 86-87
[Cited by Bedford,
Campbell, K. G. 1966.
A new technique of aerial spraying for control of phasmatids.
J. Entomol. Soc. Aust.3: 36-38
(Cited by Bedford, 1978.)
Hadlington, P.W. (1966).
Parthenogenesis and diapause in the eggs of the phasmatid
Extatosoma tiaratum (Macleay).
J. Entomol. Soc. Aust., 3: 59-65
[Cited by Bedford,
Mazanec, Z. (1966).
The effect of defoliation by Didymuria violescens on the
growth of alpine ash.
Aust. For.30: 125-30
[Cited by Bedford,
Weidner, H. (1966).
Die Entomologischen Sammlungen des Zoologischen
Staatsinstituts un Zoologischen Museums, Hamburg.
III. Mitt. Hamburg Zool. Mus. Inst. 63, 209-64.
Bedford, G. O. 1967.
The development of the egg of Didymuria violescens
(Leach) in relation to diapause.
MS thesis. Univ. Sydney, Sydney, Australia. 84 pp.
[Cited by Bedford,
1978. Mr. Bedford tells me the majority of the information appears
in Bedford 1970.]
Craddock, E. (1967.)
Chromosome studies.
Publication Unknown
Hadlington, P.W., and Campbell, K.G. (1967).
Title Unknown, re Ctenomorphodes tessulatus.
Unplushshed internal NSW For. Comm. report
[Cited by
Campbell, 1961.]
Mazanec, Z. (1967).
Mortality and diameter growth in mountain ash defoliated by phasmatids.
Aust. For.31: 221-23
[Cited by Bedford,
McAlpine, D.K. (1967).
Rediscovery of Lord Howe Island Phasmid,
Australian Entomological Society News Bulletin,
2 (3): 71.
[Wanted for Dryococelus australis, cited by Smithers 1969, Priddel et al 2003.]
Cantrall, I.J. (1968).
An annotated list of the Dermaptera, Dictyoptera,
Phasmatoptera, and Orthoptera of Michigan.
Michigan Entomol., 1: 299-346.
Mazanec, Z. (1968).
Influence of defoliation by the phasmatid Didymuria violescens
on seasonal diameter growth and the pattern of growth rings in alpine ash.
Aust. For.32: 3-14
[Cited by Bedford,
Readshaw, J.L. (1968).
The distribution, abundance and seasonal movements of the pied
currawong, Strepera graculina (Shaw), an important
bird predator of Phasmatidae in eastern Australia.
Australian Journal Zoology16: 37-47
[Cited by Bedford,
Readshaw, J.L., Mazanec, Z. (1969).
Use of growth rings to determine past phasmatid defoliations of alpine forests.
Aust. For.33: 29-36
[Cited by Bedford,
Craddock, E. (1970). -
Chromosome number variation in a stick insect
Didymuria violescens (Leach).
Science, N.Y.167, 1380-2.
Healey, A. & Smithers, C. (1971)
Australian Insects in Colour.
[Wanted for: Didymuria violescens,
cited by Clark, 1976]
Craddock, E. (1972).
Chromosonal diversity in the Australian Phasmatodea.
Aust. J. Zool.20: 445-462
Clark, J.T. (1973).
Extatosoma tiaratum - a monster insect for schools.
School Sci. Rev.55: 56-61
[Cited by Bedford,
Clark, J.T. (1974).
Stick and leaf insects.
Winchester: Shurlock. 65 pp.
[Cited by Bedford,
Campbell, K. G. 1974.
Factors affecting the distribution and abundance of the three
species of phasmatids which occur in plague numbers in forests
of southeastern Australia.
J. Entomol. Soc. Aust.8: 3-6
(Cited by Bedford, 1978.)
Clark, J.T. (1974).
Some further notes on Macleay's spectre.
School Sci. Rev.55: 522-23
[Cited by Bedford,
Clark, J.T. (1974).
A note on Acrophylla wülfingi Redtenbacher with a
description of the male.
Zool. J. Linn. Soc.54: 253-56
[Cited by Bedford,
Rumbucher, K. 1974.
Zwei interessante Phasmiden-Gynander.
Entomologische Zeitschrift,
84: 177-178.
Franzman, B.A. (1974).
A new sub-family of the Phasmatodea from Australia. News
Bull. Entomological Society of Queensland2: 63-64
Strong, L. (1975).
Defence glands in the giant spiny phasmid Extatosoma tiaratum.
J. Entomol.50: 65-72
[Cited by Bedford,
Craddock, E. M. (1975).
Intraspecific karyotypic differentiation in the Australian phasmatid
Didymuria violescens (Leach) I. The chromosome races and their
structural and evolutionary relationships.
Chromosoma (Berl.)53, 1-24.
Clark, J.T. (1976).
The capitulum of phasmid eggs.
Zool. J. Linn. Soc.59: 369-75
[Cited by Bedford,
Newmann, F. G. (1976).
Egg production, adult longevity and mortality of the stick
insect Didymuria violescens (Leach) inhabiting
mountain ash forest in Victoria.
J. Aust. Entomol. Soc.15: 183-90
[Cited by Bedford,
Kevan, D.K.McE. (ed.) (1977).
The higher classification of the orthopteroid insects.
Lyman Entomol. Mus. Res. Lab. Memoir No. 4, 26 pp.
Newman, F.G., Harry, J.A., Wood, C.H., (1977).
Phasmatid problem in mountain ash forests of Victoria.
For. Comm. Vic., Bulletin No. 25
Clyne, D. (1978).
Keeping Insects as Pets.
Angus & Robertson.
Rentz, D.C.F., Balderson, J. (1979).
Catalogue of Australian Tettigoniidae.
CSIRO Aust. Div. Entomol. Tech. Pap. No. 15, 1-24.
Carlberg, U. 1981.
A Gynandromorph specimen of Extatosoma tiaratum (MacLeay)
(Insecta: Phasmida).
Zoologischer Anzeiger, Jena
207: 320-322.
Miller, L.D., and Brown, F.M. (1981).
Catalogue/checklist of the butterflies of America north of Mexico.
Lepid. Soc. Mem., 2: 1-280.
Kevan, D.E.McE. (1982).
Phasmatoptera. In Parker, S.P. (ed.) Synopsis and
Classification of Living Organisms. McGraw Hill: New York. Vol. 2,
pp. 379-383.
Marshall, J. (1983).
The orthopteroid insects described by Linnaeus, with
notes on the Linnean collection.
Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 78: 375-396
Carlberg, U. 1984.
Flight in female Sipyloidea sipylus.
Zool. Jahrb. Physiol.88: 9-14.
Chow, Y.S. & Lin, Y.M. (1986).
Actinidine, a defensive secretion of the stick insect,
Megacrania alpheus Westwood (Orthoptera: Phasmatidae).
J. Entomol. Sci.21: 97-101
Carlberg, U. (1987).
Bibliography of Phasmida (Insecta)
IV. 1940-1949.
Beitreige für Entomologie, Berlin, 37: 1,S.197-202.
Carlberg, U. (1987).
Carlberg U. 1987. Culturing stick- and leaf-insects (Phasmida) - A review.
Z. Versuchstierkd.
29: 39-63.
Key, K.H.L. (1990).
Title Unknown.
[Cited by
Banks 1992
in context of Acrophylla titan, but may be in referece to
Phasmatodea as a whole.]
Preston-Mafham, K. (1990).
Grasshoppers and Mantids of the World.
Blandford Press, London.
[Cited by
Banks 1992
in context of Acrophylla titan, but it may relate to Phasmoatodea
as a whole.]
Wilson, S.K. (1990).
Throwing your babies at the enemy.
Geo, 12(4): 106-113.
Dance, S.P. & Hancock, E.G. (1991).
Classic Natural History Prints: Butterflies, Moths & Other Insects.
Studio Edition Ltd, London.
[Wanted for: Acrophylla titan. Has a hand-painted A. titan
plate, from the Westwood 1859 line drawing, says Brock 1994.]
Hughes, L. and Westoby, M. (1992).
Capitula on stick insect eggs and elaiosomes on seeds:
convergent adaptations for burial by ants.
Functional Ecology, 6: 642-648.
Brock, P.D. (1992).
Rearing and Studying Stick and Leaf-Insects.
The Amateur Entomologist,
Vol. 22, Feltham.
Breedon, S. 1995.
Paul and the Rainforest.
Steve Parish Publishing Pty Ltd., Queensland.
Horne, P.A. and Crawford, D.J. 1996.
Backyard Insects.
Melbourne University Press.
Windsor D. M., Trapnell D. W. and Amat G. 1996.
The egg capitulum of a neotropical walkingstick Calynda bicuspis,
induces aboveground egg dispersal by the ponerine ant Ectatomma ruidum.
Journal of Insect Behaviour,
9: 353-367.
Sellick, C. J. T. (1997).
The range of egg capsule morphology within the Phasmatodea and its
relevance to the taxonomy of the order.
Italian Journal of Zoology,
64: 97-104.
Sellick, C. J. T. (1998).
Phasmid Eggs,
Systematic Entomology, 23: 203-228.
Brock, P.D. (1999).
The amazing world of stick and leaf insects.
The amateur entomologist, vol. 26.
Brentwood, UK: Cravitz Printing Company Ltd.
Brock, P.D. (2000b).
A Complete Guide to Breeding Stick and Leaf Insects.
Hardcover 64 pages 83 colour illustrations. ISBN 1-85279-124-1.
EAN 9781852791247. Published by TFH Publications Nest Business Park,
Martin Rd, Havant PO9 5TL, UK.
Maginnis, T.L. (2005?).
Leg autotomy and regeneration in Didymuria violescens (Leach).