Johnstonian organ. - A peculiar organ existing in the second antennal joint, and consisting of a number of sensillæ and scolopal bodies; the former being stretched through the cavity of this joint and attached by the distal ends to the articulatory membranes of the second and third joints, while the proximal ends are innervated by the antennal nerve.

Jubate. - Fringed with long pendent hairs; ex. the intermediate legs of the male of Anthophora retusa. (L. juba, æ, mane, hair, tuft, crest.)

Jugulum. - The throat, extending from the orifice of the mouth to the neck, and comprises the whole of the middle portion of the lower-head. (L. jugulum, the throat.) See Gular, and Basilaire.

Justa-. - In composition indicates near, as justaocular - situated near the eye. (L. juxta, near.)

Justaocular. - Situated near the eye. (L. justa, and oculus.)

Original text Copyright © 1914 Nigel K. Jardine.
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This page was last changed 08-Sep-2003.
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