Web. -
The plexus of delicate threads spun and woven by the Araneidæ. Through
the minute apertures of the spinnerets the
liquid substance that hardens
and forms the silk-like threads of the web is passed,
and these minute
threads unite to form one line of extreme fineness. This line is covered
with drops of a clear liquid, so it is seen two substances constitute
the web - the solid thread,
and the globules of clear liquid.
(A.S. webb.)
Wedge-shaped. - Having the shape of a wedge, cuneiform. (A.S. wecg.)
Whirls. - (Antennæ.) Small hairs placed round the joints, like the spokes of a wheel. (M.E. whirflen, to turn. - Icel. hvirfla, frequent; to turn round.)
Whorls. - (M.E. whorl.) See Whirls.
“Wing bones.” -
The nerves or nervures of the wings.
(M.E. winge,
Wing-case. - The chitinous case which covers and protects the delicate under-wings of coleopterous insects. (M.E. winge, wenge.)
Wing-cells. - The Areæ.
Winglets. - Rudimentary wings. Small concave-convex scales, generally fringed at the tip, situated under the base of the elytra in Dytiscus marginalis Linn. (M.E. winge.)
Wings. - Membranaceous, reticulated instruments of flight, attached laterally to the thorax. (M.E. winge, wenge,)
See also Abbreviate fascia, Acinacicate, Adermata, Alæ, Alar, Alate, Alulae, Ambient vein, Anal angle, Anal area, Anal nervure, Anastomosis, Androconia, Anterior margin, Anterior wings, Apex, Aptera, Apterous, Areolet, Axes, Base, Bicaudate, Brachelytrous, Brachial nervures, Cellula analis, Cellulæ, Cellulæ basales, Cellulæ costales, Cellula discoidalis, Cellulæ marginales, Cellulæ posteriores, Cellulæ spuriæ, Cellulæ submarginales, Central region, Clavus, Coleoptera, Commissura, Costa, Costal cell, Costal nervure, Costal region, Costalis, Cubital-cellule, Cubital nervure, Cubitus, Denuded, Depressors, Dimidiate fascia, Diptera, Discal cell, Discus, Dorsum, Ecaudate, Elevators, Elytrum, Excaudate, Exterior Edge, Exterior Margin, Exterior Region, Eye of Colour, Fenestrate, Fore wings, Gymnopteræ, Halteres, Hamus, Hemiptera, Hind wings, Hooklets, Humeral nerve, Hymenoptera, Hypoptere, Incisura axillaris, Incumbent, Inferior region, Inner angle, Inner edge, Inner margin, Intermediate Area, Lepidoptera, Lobes, Longipennate, Marginal cells, Media, Medial nervure, Medio-cubital Nerve, Metalæ, Nervures, Neuroptera, Obtect pupæ, Orthoptera, Outer edge, Pagina inferior, Pagina superior, Paraptera, Phial, Pinnatifid, Poisers, Post-costal nerve, Proalæ, Pterigostia, Pteropega, Pterostigma, Pterothecæ, Pterygium, Pterygoid, Radial cellule, Radial nervure, Radiate, Radio-medial nerve, Radius, Sesquialterous fascia, Sesquitertious fascia, Spinules, Squamule, Stigma, Sub-costal nervure, Suberoded, Submarginal cells, Subocellate, Tail, Tegmina, Tegula, Tendon, Termen, Thysanoptera, Tornus, Ulnar nervure, Under Wings, Vaginopennous, Venæ longitudinales, Wing bones, Wing-case, Wing-cells, Winglets, Wing ribs. [PM]
Winter eggs. - The pseudova of the Aphids. (A.S. winter, a winter, a year, and M.E. egges. Swed. agg + A.S. æg, the oval body of females from which the young arise.)
Woody. - A term frequently used in describing parts of insects which bear a general appearance to wood, whether in texture, consistency, or appearance. (A.S. wudu.)
Wrinkled. - A term used generally to imply rugosity. (M.E. wrinkle, perhaps allied to Wrench, and to A.S. wringan, to twist.)
Writhled. - Wrinkled; the term is not often met with. (M.E. writhen.)
Original text
© 1914 Nigel K. Jardine.
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